Search by tag «Metasurfaces» 6 results

  • ITMO Scientists Present A Way to Control Light-Matter Coupling in Next-Gen Optical Devices

    Paving the way to next-gen optical devices, where information is transmitted with light particles, researchers from ITMO University have suggested a method to bind light and matter more efficiently. The study was described in an article published in Nano Letters. 


  • Improving Lasers: ITMO Scientists Suggest a New Way to Couple Light and Matter

    A new approach has been suggested at ITMO to enhance interaction of light and matter during metamaterials production. Compared to conventional methods, the novel approach requires less precision and relies on cheaper equipment, while producing more compact and sensitive lasers. The study was described in an article published in Nano Letters. 


  • ITMO's Monday Science Roundup #11

    From a next-gen toothpaste to a promising cancer treatment technology, as well as a new ecology-focused Master’s program and exciting academic mobility opportunities – there's lots going on in our science news digest for the second half of July. Let's dig in!


  • ITMO Researchers Discover New Properties of Metasurfaces Thanks to Ultrashort Pulse Lasers

    A group of researchers from ITMO University, the Australian National University, and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) has for the first time demonstrated effective generation of higher harmonics in silicon metasurfaces. This result was achieved due to resonant states with long lifetimes. The new discovery brings closer the creation of attosecond radiation sources based on semiconductor nanostructures. Ultrashort pulse lasers which earned their pioneers the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2018 make it possible to excite and explore very rapid processes in nature and matter. This opens new horizons for understanding ultrafast physics and faster information recording.  


  • Invisible Material: Researchers Model Metasurfaces in Hybrid Anapole Modes for the First Time

    Global trends are leaning towards miniaturization, minimalism, and portability – and that's the case for research, too. These days, metasurfaces are gaining popularity as platforms for super-thin devices equal, or sometimes superior to, their "normal-sized" counterparts. This is achieved thanks to “invisible” particles in anapole modes. Recently, these particles have revolutionized nanophotonics, but researchers from ITMO, Moscow, and Riga went even further and developed hybrid anapole modes. Their new model is more efficient than its predecessors and opens new applications for metasurfaces in optics. 


  • ITMO Scientists Enhance Multiphoton Processes in Perovskite Metasurfaces

    Researchers placed a polymer on a thin perovskite film and, using lithography, created a metasurface consisting of prolonged parallelepipeds. In the future, this will help create highly efficient visualizers for infrared radiation.
