Search by tag «Nanotechnology» 5 results

  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #56

    It’s been a fruitful couple weeks for science updates here at ITMO! In this summer’s first news digest, we review a handful of impressive breakthroughs (including a world record!), learn about the latest educational programs to join the roster, and even get a little cheeky with our subversive guide to defending your thesis.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #48

    Welcome back! In today’s overview of recent updates from the world of research and academia, we’re looking at both the rich legacy and the boundless future of science at ITMO. From legendary scholars and ambitious young scientists to AI-fueled breakthroughs – we’ve got it all.


  • Laser Billiards Made Possible Thanks to ITMO Researchers

    Scientists from ITMO’s International Research and Educational Center for Physics of Nanostructures have created a new type of an ion trap, in which microparticles can be tossed  between localization zones with a laser beam, like billiard balls. In this article, we will delve into what makes the discovery so unique and how it can help revolutionize the industry.


  • Student Spotlight: Collins Chimezie, Nigeria

    Meet Collins Chimezie, our international student from Nigeria, who got into ITMO with a scholarship to study molecular biology and biotechnology. He is planning to use the knowledge he gets to develop new treatments and therapeutic agents. Read on to learn what inspired him to apply to ITMO, what his dream project would be, and what he plans to do over his two years in St. Pete. 


  • Physics and Chemistry: Nobel Prize Predictions for 2021

    Today marks the start of the Nobel Prize season. While the Committee is all set to announce the names of the greatest minds in physics and chemistry, various research companies and experts remain true to the long-standing tradition of making predictions for possible winners. Although their forecasts are rarely right, they highlight the biggest breakthroughs that hold the greatest promise for global science. Before the results are announced, here is what you need to know about recent laureates and the most promising inventions in exact and natural sciences.
