Search by tag «Perovskites» 6 results

  • Solar Cells Made More Efficient Thanks to Silicon Nanoantennas

    Researchers from ITMO University have managed to improve the efficacy of perovskite solar cells with the help of silicon nanoantennas, which increase the concentration of light in the material at certain wavelengths. In the future, specialists can employ the new method to create solar cells for indoor lighting and even the space industry. The results of the study are published in Chemical Engineering Journal.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #52

    Twice a month, we bring you the latest in research breakthroughs, educational opportunities, and other news from the world of science. In today’s digest: the future of quantum computing, the surprising role of the gut microbiome, and a new Master’s program for hands-on researchers.


  • Researchers at ITMO Create More Durable Blue Perovskite Diodes for RGB Screens

    ITMO University scientists have found a new way of creating blue-emitting perovskite nanocrystals that makes them more stable, while their light doesn’t change to green overtime, unlike existing counterparts. Such light sources can serve as a platform for manufacturing of RGB displays for TVs and phones with a higher quality color rendering, which will also be cheaper than their analogs. The results of the project are described in a paper published in  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #28

    Today, join us as we review the key highlights of ITMO’s scientific life for the first half of April. This includes: exciting news from the world of perovskite research, an ambitious medical project by an ITMO student, and deep dives into two of the university’s newest research units in the fields of bioart and photonics.


  • Physics and Chemistry: Nobel Prize Predictions for 2021

    Today marks the start of the Nobel Prize season. While the Committee is all set to announce the names of the greatest minds in physics and chemistry, various research companies and experts remain true to the long-standing tradition of making predictions for possible winners. Although their forecasts are rarely right, they highlight the biggest breakthroughs that hold the greatest promise for global science. Before the results are announced, here is what you need to know about recent laureates and the most promising inventions in exact and natural sciences.


  • ITMO Scientists Create Water-Resistant Perovskite Nanocrystals

    ITMO scientists created perovskite nanocrystals that preserve their unique optical properties in water and biological fluids. This material offers new opportunities for the optical visualization of biological objects. It is an important achievement for the investigation of internal organs in living organisms and monitoring of the course of diseases. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
