Search by tag «Photonics» 91 results
ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #73
Twice a month, we bring you the latest in research breakthroughs, educational opportunities, and startup success stories from ITMO and beyond. In today’s digest, you’ll find: robotic assistants, sustainable development, an AI-powered service for diabetics, and more.
Experts Discuss How Photonics Can Help Large-Scale Business
Photonics is a rapidly growing field of science and technology: the photonics market is recorded to be $40 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2035. The latest trends and prospects shaping the future of photonics were discussed at the conference Business Growth: Implementation of Photonic Technologies by the Academy of Severgroup’s Business System and ITMO University.
Be a Cool Scientist, Not a Boring Nerd: Physicist Alexey Kokhanovskiy on His Career in Science and Neuromorphic Computing
When Alexey Kokhanovskiy read Richard Feynman's biography as a kid, he not only finally decided to become a physicist – but also realized that scientists don’t have to be these stereotypical coat-wearing weirdos. Today, he continues to stick to this principle, with quite a few achievements under his belt:completed studies and research projects in Russia and France and a multimillion-ruble grant within the Priority 2023 program. His current research field at ITMO lies in optical neuromorphic computing. In this interview, the researcher explains what neuromorphic computing is, why combine physics and AI, and how to find inspiration in everyday tasks.
ITMO Researchers Solve Mystery of Ultrafine Plasmonic Particles
Researchers from ITMO University and the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) have advanced the theory of light absorption in ultrafine plasmonic nanoparticles. This breakthrough enhances our understanding of nanomaterials' behavior, improves techniques for targeting and destroying cancer cells, and opens up avenues to new areas of research, including quantum plasmonics. The findings were published in Nanophotonics.
Researchers Note Topological Effects in New Waveguide Metamaterial
A novel waveguide-based metamaterial, suggested by physicists from ITMO University and their colleagues from University of Chile, has been shown to exhibit topological states. Upon contact with the edge of a sample, the light that passes through the lattice is nearly never distributed inside the structure, unlike in traditional waveguide gratings. The findings were published in Nano Letters.
ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #42
Welcome to the life-universe-and-everything edition of our science news digest! That’s right, dear hitchhikers – we’re 42 installments deep and showing no sign of stopping. Quite appropriately, today we’ll learn about the secrets of the universe, as well as the more earthly matters of advances in modern photonics, medical breakthroughs, and the Russian infosec job market.
Physicists From ITMO Generate Single Photons For Secure Information Encryption
Researchers at ITMO University have studied the formation of single-photon emitters, which are key components of quantum communication and computation devices. With these, it will be possible to encrypt data in a way that would make it impossible to intercept. The study was described in an article published in Nature Communications.
ITMO Scientists Present A Way to Control Light-Matter Coupling in Next-Gen Optical Devices
Paving the way to next-gen optical devices, where information is transmitted with light particles, researchers from ITMO University have suggested a method to bind light and matter more efficiently. The study was described in an article published in Nano Letters.
ITMO Researchers Propose New Production Method for Biosensor Nanoparticles
Physicists from ITMO’s International Research and Educational Center for Physics of Nanostructures have proposed a method of generating plasmonic chiral nanoparticles with the help of “twisted” laser radiation. The obtained structures can be used in biosensors and polarized photodetectors, detect impurities in gasses and liquids, as well as purify medications.
ITMO Accelerator Launches TechNet Track
ITMO Accelerator is introducing TechNet – a new track for startups in photonics, wireless technologies, the Internet of Things, energy transfer, and smart distributed energy systems. The program will introduce participants to entrepreneurship and assist them through all stages of project development – from ideas to first sales.