Search by tag «Platform» 7 results

  • First in Russia: ITMO Alumnus Creates Platform for Establishing New Stipends

    ITMO graduate Kirill Dobrinov has developed the platform Dobraya Stipendiya (“Kind Stipend”), where alumni and friends of ITMO.Family can start their own stipends of various sizes and with custom requirements for applicants. The minimal stipend is 10,000 rubles, a condition that makes the platform the first of its kind in Russia. Read more about starting your own stipend on the platform or applying for one.


  • ITMO Graduate Nikolai Golos on Brainstorming and Launching a Startup

    By the end of his Master's studies, Nikolai Golos, now an ITMO graduate, had already launched two startups – the Funbo gaming project and Metrica.Guru analytics service – while still working at Tinkoff bank. ITMO.NEWS met with Nikolai to learn more about coming up with innovative ideas for new projects and launching your own startup.


  • ITMO University and United Investors Syndicate Launch a Joint Program Univest

    ITMO University and the investment platform United Investors launch Univest, a joint national program for angel and venture investment into hi-tech projects of Russian universities.


  • IPChain Hackathon: How to Manage Intellectual Property from a Smartphone

    IT products and services are one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing markets. Sophisticated and effective solutions in the field of software development are as valuable and sought-after as ever. But authors of such solutions don’t often think about their rights to the intellectual property they created, and the issue of exercising these rights is almost never on the cards. In a bid to modernize the sphere of software development, the IPChain Association joined forces with ITMO University to host a hackathon for developing the best mobile app for mathematicians and programmers intended to bring about radical simplification of managing intellectual property rights on algorithms and elements of software code.


  • HAKORA: Building a Business in the Field of AR

    HAKORA is an AR platform with a ready mobile solution that allows to visualize any products in real-time mode. Roman Shiplyakov, ITMO Master’s student from the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, and Oleg Borovskiy, Master's student from St. Petersburg State University of Economics founded the startup two years ago, and now work in different segments of the market (medicine, retail, development, education, and industry) by helping companies solve their main task: tell their clients about their services in a most demonstrative and entertaining manner. Among HAKORA's clients are renowned brands, construction companies, and the St. Petersburg city administration. Read our interview to learn about the cases that HAKORA is currently working on and how it plans to compete with European and American players in the AR market.


  • Codeforces Founder Will Teach Web Development at ITMO

    Mikhail Mirzayanov, the founder of the Codeforces competitive programming platform, will teach web development at ITMO University. He moved to St. Petersburg from Saratov, where he was engaged in the development of the Olympiad Training Center for students. In this interview with ITMO.NEWS, he talked about his motivation to join ITMO team and create his online training platform for programmers.


  • DataArt Global Study: What are Russian Programmers Best At?

    In the run up to the Programmer’s Day, the Data Art global technology consultancy researchers have analyzed the data obtained from Skillotron, a game platform aimed at testing IT specialists’ knowledge and skills. Their findings highlighted the features specific for programmers from different countries. It turned out that Russian programmers are the fastest in the world in terms of answering test questions. They also ranked high in their willingness to make an unpaid contribution to the development of the IT professional community.
