Search by tag «Reading» 3 results

  • Three Lesser-Known Books on Popular Science

    We often associate popular science literature with hard science, while not paying enough attention to the communication of humanities' knowledge. So, for today’s selection, we’ve picked three great books on society, social bonds, and literature.


  • Three Novels You Won’t Be Able to Put Down

    There are many reasons to love fiction. I, for one, appreciate the opportunity to immerse myself in someone else’s story and witness events that I myself wouldn’t ever experience. In today’s compilation, we’ll share three novels by three great authors that will make you forget about reality.


  • Why Don’t People Read Anymore?

    Reading has always been a sign of being smart. If you read a book while taking the metro, people look at you more respectfully than if you are playing Candy Crush. But if you’re not so much of a reader, does it automatically make you a small-minded person?
