Search by tag «Research Project» 164 results

  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #73

    Twice a month, we bring you the latest in research breakthroughs, educational opportunities, and startup success stories from ITMO and beyond. In today’s digest, you’ll find: robotic assistants, sustainable development, an AI-powered service for diabetics, and more.


  • Optical Metamaterials Can Become More Accessible – With Matrix Shrinker

    ITMO researchers discovered a way to simplify and accelerate the complex calculations required to generate metasurfaces and periodic optical structures. The mathematical tool called Tensor Train will enable quick development of optical computers, neural networks, and other devices that need precise calculations of light properties. The findings of the study funded by the Russian Science Foundation were published in Computer Physics Communications.


  • Russian Science Day: ITMO’s Young Researchers Share Their Visions of the Future

    Since 1999, February 8 has been celebrated as the Day of Russian Science. Every year, thousands of scientists, postgrads, and even young budding researchers contribute to its development. On this occasion, we’ve spoken to a few such rising stars – yesterday, they were still in high school, but today they’re ITMO students and scholars of physics, chemistry, and IT. In this story, they talk about their academic paths, first successes, dreams, and the future that they’re shaping today.


  • ITMO Scientists Step Closer to Explaining How Pulsar Nebulas Form

    Researchers from ITMO University investigated how twisted electrons absorb photons in a strong magnetic field. This often occurs in pulsar nebulas that accompany neutron stars and consist of electrons and positrons. Given that the phenomena cannot be studied empirically, theoretical estimations remain one of the key approaches for illustrating what is happening with space objects at the particle level. The findings were published in The European Physical Journal C.


  • ITMO Researchers Develop Gold Nanoparticle-Based Sensors for Precise Detection of Natural Antioxidants

    Scientists at ITMO University have developed multiple-use sensor substrates coated with gold nanoparticles for use in gauging the precise ratio of chlorogenic acid in natural and manufactured raw material. This natural antioxidant is widely used in the production of medical, cosmetic, and food products. The new technology should make it possible to assess the presence of chlorogenic acid in lab and field conditions alike. The results of the study were published in the Q1 publication International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #71

    Now that 2025 is in full swing, we’re back with our bi-weekly review of all things science at ITMO. Research insights, scientists’ stories, and opportunities for budding academics – all in today’s roundup.


  • ITMO Researchers Discover New Acoustic Force for More Accurate Shape-Based Sorting of Cells

    Scientists at ITMO University have found a new lateral recoil force that affects non-spherical particles in an acoustic field. The new force will make it easier to extract cells of a certain shape from blood or other liquids – such as elongated platelets or spherical leukocytes – which will be useful for developing new, more accurate, and affordable methods for diagnosing various diseases. The findings were reported in Physical Review Applied and highlighted in Physics Magazine.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup: 2024 in Review

    With 2024 all wrapped up, we’re geared up and ready to go for yet another year of breakthroughs and discoveries. But before we venture forth into 2025, let’s take a look at ITMO’s top scientific achievements of the year.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #70

    Though the year nears its conclusion, there’s still no shortage of exciting science news at ITMO University. Groundbreaking research, successful startups, and exciting insights into the science of the Sun and secrets of artistic masterpieces – all in today’s roundup.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #69

    December is here! Before you dig into those advent calendars, why not delight yourself with some of the latest science updates courtesy of ITMO.NEWS? There are plenty of new developments to check out: a dive into the real-life prospects of superpowers, an exploration of Latin American science art, a slew of cutting-edge science projects, and more.
