Search by tag «Stars» 2 results

  • The Universe Said: Let Me Show You Something Beautiful!

    You must be familiar with the nursery rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. But in reality, stars aren't little at all. They are enormous balls of gas, emitting tremendous amounts of energy as a result of nuclear fusion. To us, stars appear tiny because of their enormous distance from Earth. Also, our atmosphere is the reason why we see stars twinkling. Staring at these glittering beacons of light in a dark night sky was my favorite activity as a kid. Here’s all the info you need to get started with stargazing.


  • In a Nutshell: Black Holes and the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics

    This year’s winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics have just been announced. This year, the award went to astrophysicists who made a significant contribution to the study of black holes. ITMO.NEWS and Anastasia Topchieva, junior research associate at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, explain what the scientists studied and what their research means. 
