Search by tag «Technology Transfer» 5 results

  • From Science Lab to Real Business: New School of Technology Brokership at ITMO University

    Last week, it was the start of the new School of Technology Brokership at ITMO University. Read about who technology brokers are, which tasks they focus on, and about the opportunities offered to the school’s participants.


  • National Technology Revolution 20.35: Universities as Driving Force of Change

    Today’s universities institute innovation ecosystems, where they send their graduates equipped with skills necessary for working in a hi-tech company. They create new businesses and jobs in the innovation sector by launching their intellectual property on the market. They also contribute to the development of urban fringes. According to the participants of a roundtable taking place as part of the third BarCamp ‘National Technology Revolution 20.35’, which has recently been held in St. Petersburg’s ‘Tochka Kipeniya’ coworking space, a modern university should adopt the paradigm of ‘changing itself, its environment, and then, people’. ITMO.NEWS reports on the highlights of this discussion.


  • New Opportunities: ITMO University Revamps Its Entrepreneurial Activities

    ITMO University is restructuring its Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations. The new faculty will also include the Institute of International Business and Law and two departments of the Faculty of Management and Automation Controls (Academy LIMTU). The new Faculty will cooperate closely with the Project Management and Innovation Department, which will help optimize the university’s portfolio of educational programs in the field of technological management, entrepreneurship and innovations, intensify project work, and give students the opportunity to acquire entrepreneurial competencies as early as in their first year at the university. In an interview for ITMO.NEWS, Nina Yanykina, Head of ITMO’s Project Management and Innovation Department, expanded on these recent changes and the tasks of the university’s new structure.


  • Levan Tatunashvili: Focusing On One's Own Resources Only is No Good

    On August 1st, ITMO University and Novosibirsk State University signed a new collaboration agreement for a 5 year term. As part of it, the universities will develop quantum technologies, innovative entrepreneurship, and contribute to the National Technology Initiative and the Digital Economy program. ITMO.NEWS discussed the expectations and prospects of the new strategic partnership with Levan Tatunashvili, Advisor to Rector of NSU and Deputy CEO on Innovations of NSU's science campus (Academgorodok).


  • RVC Experts: Why Entrepreneurial Education Matters

    ITMO University has launched a training program for university professors teaching the course “Innovation Economy and Technological Entrepreneurship” developed by the Russian Venture Company (RVC), ITMO University and Moscow State University. Throughout the week, representatives from 52 Russian universities will master teaching methods, specifics of education in innovation economy, basics of for-profit R&D, technology transfer and licensing, creation of technological startups, as well as develop their own strategies for commercialization of given R&D results.
