Who can apply
Applications are open to lecturers and scientists employed by universities in Russia or the CIS states, ITMO included, as well as employees of companies that operate in the real economy. Your application should include information about specialists with whom you will collaborate on the Master’s program. There are no strict requirements for research or professional experience, but you must possess at least two years’ experience of lecturing in relevant fields.
Can I apply if I’m already participating in a similar contest at a different university?
Yes. But if you win several contests with the same educational program, you will have to choose a single university to develop your project at.
I receive funding from the Russian Science Foundation. Can I still apply?
Yes. What’s more, the fact that you are a recipient of said funding speaks in favor of your ideas.
What are the possible subject areas for proposed programs?
You can apply with a program in any of subject area that ITMO works in. You can see the full list here (in Russian).

Credit: ITMO University
Can you apply if the program’s concept lies at the intersection of these fields?
Yes. The contest aims to discover new talents and create new educational programs. Applications focused on interdisciplinary programs and adjacent fields of study will be considered on par with others.
What are the dates and deadlines?
You should file your application on the contest’s website before 11:59 PM (GMT+3, Moscow time) of April 30, 2022. The expert board, headed by the First Vice Rector Daria Kozlova and consisting of ITMO’s lecturers and researchers, will assess the applications and determine the shortlist by May 18. Within the course of a month, the authors of the best ideas will have to present their educational programs in detail; names of the winners will be announced on June 27.

Credit: http://events.itmo.ru/edu-team
How to apply for the contest
You have to fill in an application and upload the following documents (see templates in Russian here):
a summary of your program’s concept;
a motivational letter explaining why you want to work at ITMO;
a CV describing your experience as a lecturer andor developer or head of an educational program along with information on your published articles and participation in conferences in the past five years. If you don’t have any such experience, but you have relevant projects and research that you’ve worked on at a company, make sure to include them, as well;
information on the team that you will collaborate on the program with;
a draft of the curriculum with a list of subjects, specializations, and their description. There can be as many specializations as you want, but each must be designed to accommodate at least eight students;
a presentation covering a one-year plan for the launch and development of the Master’s program.
What should the description of the program’s concept include?
You need to substantiate the relevance of your idea, explain what makes it better than its counterparts, list the subjects that your students will study, at which companies they will take internships, and, finally, how the program’s graduates will benefit from their studies.
What should I pay special attention to?
Your program’s concept should persuade the expert board that your idea is feasible: it has to be attractive for both students and their potential employers. You also have to prove that the program will be competitively viable on the educational market and will also be in line with ITMO’s educational standards.
How will the applications be assessed?
A participant has to not just offer full, relevant and detailed information about the future program and its curriculum, but also show that it will be staffed by qualified specialists with relevant experience, as well as invited representatives of leading companies.
Another essential criterion is that the Master’s program has to correspond with ITMO’s 2030 Development Strategy, which aims to generate new knowledge, markets and businesses, as well as help people navigate the world of information and maintain the balance between the physical and virtual realities. This means that students of the new Master’s programs should enjoy opportunities to work on advanced research projects, collaborate with leading scientific and educational centers, and attain leadership positions in their chosen fields.
What do I get by winning?
Winners will receive up to 1.5 million rubles of financing for the program’s development in the first year of its implementation. Also, there will be other benefits for those who are not yet working for ITMO. Firstly, they will receive assistance in relocating to St. Petersburg, if necessary. Secondly, they will be employed by ITMO as regular staff or independent contractors and be appointed as heads of programs for a period of two years. That means you’ll enjoy all the associated privileges like free English courses and medical insurance (after one year of employment).

Credit: ITMO University
How much will the university spend on helping the winners move to St. Petersburg?
The university will pay for your trip to St. Petersburg and accommodation during the first several months.
How will the efficiency of a program’s implementation during the first year be assessed?
In February, the program heads will have to report to an expert board on their progress, achievements, and their first students’ results. Among the criteria will be the number of students, including international students and tuition-paying students, their performance, the number of online courses developed as part of the new programs, and the number of lecturers with a degree or lecturers working in the associated industries. You can read more about the assessment criteria here (in Russian).