Learn the language: Tara Torbati, Iran

The language barrier can pose significant challenges for international students. Tara, who graduated from ITMO with a Bachelor’s in mechatronics and robotics, stresses the importance of learning the Russian language.

"During my initial days in Russia, I struggled at the supermarkets because I didn’t understand any Russian. When the receptionist at the supermarket would ask me anything, I wouldn’t even be able to respond with a yes or no. It used to be such a headache! Hence, every international student must learn some basic Russian before coming here."

Learn Russian with ITMO.NEWS:

5 Phrases to Master the Russian Language

Learning Russian: Beyond the Classroom

Embrace the climate – Elvis Harka, Albania

Getting used to the peculiarities of Russian winter can take some time, especially if you’re used to a warmer climate. Elvis, a student of robotics and digital technologies, emphasizes the importance of being ready for the fall-winter season.

"Have some spare clothes with you all the time. If you get sweaty, you need to change immediately. Always remember to cover your neck and nose. Never breathe the icy cold air directly. If you feel cold after you reach home, just immerse your feet in hot water for some time. It will help you get rid of the cold immediately."

Prepare for winter with ITMO.NEWS: 

Winter is Coming: Grab Some Warm Clothes

How To Survive Russian Winter: Tips From International Students and Staff

Winter in St. Petersburg can be harsh, but charming, as well. Credit: Vitali Adutskevich via Pexels

Winter in St. Petersburg can be harsh, but charming, as well. Credit: Vitali Adutskevich via Pexels

Focus on academics – Goodness Ajamu, Nigeria

Achieving academic success is a priority for any student; Goodness, who is getting his Master’s in  hybrid materials, has the following advice for future international students:

"Make sure to go through the websites well to find the exact program that suits you best. In order to win a scholarship, you would have to sit an exam and crack an interview. Invest some time to prepare well. Finally, I would highlight that your grades would play an important role in your selection, so do not neglect them."

Plan your academic life with ITMO.NEWS: 

Back to School: Set Up Your Ultimate Study Routine 

Back to School Like a Pro: Get Things Done, Ace Your Tests, and Have Fun 

Be proactive – Subhrajit Barua, India

Opportunities are plenty for talented students at ITMO, but Subhrajit, a PhD student of biotechnologies, reminds newcomers that they must actively seek out and seize them.

"You need to go and tell people about your skills and how you wish to contribute. Just like that. Nothing happens like magic."

Find your confidence with ITMO.NEWS: 

How to Be Confident: ITMO Lecturer Shares Her Tips 

Subhrajit Barua (second from left) and fellow ITMO students with Faculty of Biotechnologies dean Mikhail Kurushkin (third from left) and speakers at BIOCON 2023. Credit: vk.com/biocon

Subhrajit Barua (second from left) and fellow ITMO students with Faculty of Biotechnologies dean Mikhail Kurushkin (third from left) and speakers at BIOCON 2023. Credit: vk.com/biocon

Embrace the experience – Bui Huong Giang, Vietnam

With new challenges come new opportunities. Bui Huong, a Bachelor’s graduate in biotech, encourages fellow students to embrace their time in St. Petersburg with confidence and openness.

"Friends, if you ever set foot in Russia, remember, it is a majestic and beautiful country. I hope you will be able to grow your confidence here and follow your goals and dreams. Be open to communicating with people and learning new skills. Don't be shy!”

Feel it all with ITMO.NEWS:

More Than Studies: ITMO Student Bucket List 

ITMO Students Advise: How to Make Friends in a New Country 

Learn from others – Sutanu Chatterjee, India

Another way to ease and improve your experience is to reach out to those who’ve been in your place before. Sutanu, a PhD student of physics, points out the importance of connecting with experienced peers:

"My advice is to talk to expats and students who are already in Russia for quite a long time and learn firsthand how things work here. It would save them time and would be better than any website. As for me, I am ready to help anyone who requires information and advice."

Explore our Student Spotlight series for more insights from ITMO’s international students.

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