The earlier the better!
If you didn’t pay any attention to sport at high school you have a wonderful chance to start doing it at ITMO. The University makes it possible to receive knowledge and take care about your health. Those who already have an experience can continue doing some sport, participate in competitions and also serve as coaches.
Sport helps you to be a student
Some say that sport activities prevent some students from focusing on studying. It is absolutely wrong because many young people succeed in their studies and also make progress in sport while others are behind in studies and never do any kind of sport. Basically sport activities teach how to be disciplined and help to set priorities correctly. The wonderful example is Kirill Grigoryan, ITMO graduate who won the bronze medal at the Olympic Games of 2016. By the way now he is going to head a shooting club of ITMO University.
An example to follow
Evgenii Raskin knows the ropes of being a sportsman. He was interested in karate when was a child then in high school start visiting gym. Now Evgeni keeps a healthy lifestyle — he runs in the morning, spends time by doing roller skating in summer and skating in winter as well as adores snowboarding.
How does it work?
Previously student sport clubs were required to register themselves as legal bodies. And about 20 or 30 clubs were launched at that period. This tendency quickly disappeared because this paperwork was very difficult for students. Today it is much easier to organize sport clubs as they serve as student associations.
Many universities develop mass and professional sports separately. ITMO develops both tracks by supporting its teams, providing contests and winning prizes at university championships, Russia’s and international competitions.
How to choose a sport?
ITMO has sport clubs opened long time ago, as they have lots of achievements, traditions and interesting history. The new clubs offer non typical sports that are not widespread at universities, such as tennis, fitness and power fit. [Ed. Read about ITMO’s sport clubs here].
Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students are the main drivers of the club. They are closer to the youth, they involve newcomers, make sport activities more popular.
We let active student organize their own classes — more than a half sport classes were initiated by young sportsmen, some of them are candidate masters of sports or masters of sports. This year, for instance, two guys and one girl, owners of taekwondo Black Belts gathered together to teach this martial art at ITMO.
Do sport for free
The reasons that can convince you to leave you dorm room in the evenings are that sport classes don’t coincide with university classes and all of them are completely free of charge! The University uses its own facilities and infrastructure to reduce costs. So students can afford it!
A period of changes
Those who visit sport classes at the Kron Bars don’t have to attend physical education classes. However it is planned to unite sport activities and studying process to give students an opportunity to do sport not only after classes, but also during a day. So every student will choose when to visit a sport activity — from 8 am to 11 pm.
Use USA’s experience
American student sport is a huge system, which earns million dollars by organizing matches and making live streams, as it doesn’t need any state support. Furthermore student sport is an integral part of professional sport. A sportsman is a kind of celebrity at his or her university. Each university has its' strong point — the most prestigious sport. It is a wonderful example — ITMO uses it to succeed.
ITMO sport goes global
The most popular clubs with international students are fitness and power fit. They also take part in Mini Football Open League in St Petersburg.