The bike ride is a long-standing tradition at ITMO University that has been held twice a year, in May and September, since 2014. This year, led by ITMO’s Rector Vladimir Vasilyev, the participants started off from Primorsky Victory Park and enjoyed a picturesque route with views of the Neva Bay, Lakhta Center, and Gazprom Arena towards the monument at the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg Park and an embankment near the Lakhta Center.

This time, the ride coincided with KronBars student sports club’s 10th anniversary: on this occasion, the participants who dressed in blue and white received special badges.


The bike ride annually brings together not only “veterans” but also newcomers who have recently joined ITMO Family. ITMO.NEWS interviewed some of the students and staff to learn more about why they decided to take part in the ride and what they do to stay healthy. 

Andrey Timofeev

Student of the Photonics and Optoinformatics Master’s program

Andrey Timofeev. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS

Andrey Timofeev. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS

This is my first bike ride. I learned about the event at the cycling club. My clubmates and I go cycling twice a week in season. My first year at ITMO is almost over. It was interesting so far, though I had my down moments and had to learn a lot. 

Yuriy Podmarkov

Head of the Office for Student Apartment Housing

Yuriy Podmarkov. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS

Yuriy Podmarkov. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS

Although I’ve been working at ITMO for three years now, I’ve never been on a bike ride before. Every time I saw stories from the event by my coworkers, I wished I had been there, too. So, I decided it was time. Instead of a bike, I opted for roller skates, as I've been skating ever since I was a kid. I also enjoy playing football and cycling. Out of all ITMO events, most of all I like ITMO Family Day. 

Margarita Serebrennikova

Clerk at the Staff Support Office and student of the Applied Optics Master’s program

Margarita Serebrennikova. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS

Margarita Serebrennikova. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS

It's my second time on the bike ride. My first was four years ago, when I was a first-year student. I believe events like that bring people closer, be it students, lecturers, or other staff. Personally, I not only participate in but also organize events, like camping trips. I am into adventure travel, kayaking, rafting, and running. And I am here today because I wanted to ride in good company, and also the weather is awesome. It screams bikes, sports, and well-being!