Anastasia K.

I think my resolution for the new year would be to screw all resolutions and just wing it, because I’ve had enough of all this motivational shizzle at this point in time. I have one specific thing I’d like to persevere with, though, which is to become more eco-friendly because the planet is literally on fire and I kind of like this Earth of ours (though I’d happily live on Bespin, Naboo or Ahch-To, so if you have any real estate contacts there, please hit me up cos my bags and I are all packed and ready to go). In practical terms, I’d like to try on the No Buy Year challenge, and become better at all the zero waste stuff. Maybe take up a hobby or two and sleep more. That’s that, I reckon.

Anastasiia L.

I have never been really good at keeping my new year’s resolutions, maybe because they weren’t specific or realistic enough. Or maybe I’m just not a resolutions kind of person, I dunno. I do like the idea of setting goals for myself though, as this kinda forms a nice sense of direction. So this year I decided to write down a detailed list of things that I really want to invest in and that are truly mine. For example, I would like to learn to make smarter choices with my money and buy more mindfully, become more confident and take better care of my physical and emotional health, and put more time and effort into being creative and doing what I enjoy.


If I have anything to be proud of, it is the fact that I’ve fully kept the promises I made a year ago to myself and to you, readers of our ITMO.NEWS: I was going to be just *me* – and it seems that I’ve dealt with it perfectly.

Of course, this year, I’m still going to be me, i.e stay calm and be happy, but besides that, I want to promise to myself to be a slightly kinder human being, and tell people more good things – or at least tell less bad ones. I wonder if I will have a reason to be proud of myself a year later? We’ll see!

Anna H.

I’d like to get better at putting together robots and other projects that requires following instructions and handling small parts, all for vague hope of making some humans happy. That’s the thing though – maybe this is the year to finally rejoice in the process and not be so attached to the final result. It’s hard for me. The robot I built today ended up not walking but it was still time well spent playing together. Maybe that’s the result in an of itself. Last year, my resolution was “skyrockets in flight”. This year, I’m going with “enjoy the ride”. 


Last year I promised myself to try and be kind to anyone and anything I might encounter in 2019, and it turned out to be one of the best resolutions I have ever made. Not only in terms of me actually keeping this one, but in the way it has completely changed the way I see the world and myself. So, I think I will make kindness something I focus on in 2020 as well. Apart from that, I want to be bolder this year, to stop spending so much time hesitating, estimating all the drawbacks and benefits. I would much rather do more and, yes, even fail, than sit around simply willing my dreams to come true. I wonder where this approach might take me… 


I loved 2019, it was a fun year! The last few years have been a blur of activity and I hope that in 2020 I can slow down a bit. My new year’s resolution is to be kinder, to be more patient, and to help contribute to a 2020 that is better and happier for everyone.