Search by tag «Main» 2159 results

  • ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School Among Federal Leaders

    On February 19, the Council on grants and state support for the development of advanced engineering schools assembled in Moscow. Valery Falkov, the Russian Minister for Science and Higher Education and the head of the council, discussed the results achieved by advanced engineering schools from all over the country with an expert committee. ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School (AES) retains its leading position and is to receive 634 million rubles in grant support.


  • Handmade: Our Favorite Russian Small Brands and Artisans

    Whether you are looking for unique gifts or some statement pieces for your wardrobe, look no further. Today, we are sharing five of our favorite low-key Russian brands, noted for their hand-crafted products and unique designs. 


  • ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School Passes Project Defence

    On February 15, the Russian capital welcomed teams from universities all over the country. They presented the results achieved by their advanced engineering schools in 2023 and outlined their next steps before a committee from the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Based on the results of these presentations, the Ministry will name the country’s best teams and allocate funding for advanced engineering schools of 30 universities for 2024.


  • ITMO PhD Student Wins Entrepreneur Contest GSEA Russia 2024

    Daudi Dauddin, a PhD student at ITMO’s Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ranked highest in the category Breakthrough of the Year at GSEA Russia 2024, a contest for young entrepreneurs. At the contest, he presented an AI-driven service for patent registration and monitoring that will now receive support from international business communities.


  • Sounds of the Internet and Singing Mushrooms: New Science Art Exhibition at Russian Museum

    ITMO University’s Art & Science Center and the State Russian Museum have unveiled their new exhibition Modulations: Sound, Light, Movement, which features works by audio-visual artists. The official opening took place on February 8 in the Eastern Pavilion of the Mikhailovsky Castle. Read on to learn more about the exhibition.


  • AI to Bring Parity in Science: Alexander Boukhanovsky on Developing Fundamental AI Models

    Alexander Boukhanovsky, the head of ITMO’s School of Translational Information Technologies, recently took part in a press conference held by the Russian Science Foundation at the TASS news agency. The scientist highlighted Russia’s role as one of the leaders in using the combination of AI and classical mathematical methods to deliver relevant applied solutions. However, several more challenges have to be overcome in order to place Russia on an even footing with other world AI leaders.


  • ITMO Named Leader in Training Digital Economy Specialists

    ITMO University made it into the top universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow that train IT professionals according to the recent ranking published by ANO Digital Economy with support from the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.


  • 2D into 3D: Optical Holography Founder Yuri Denisyuk and His Legacy

    Russian science was moved forward not only by great singular minds, but sometimes by dynasties of talented researchers. One such example is the dynasty started by one of the founders of optical holography, Yuri Denisyuk, whose name is still remembered both in Russia and abroad. His son, Igor Denisyuk, chose to follow in his footsteps: he has spent over 20 years working at ITMO, creating high-concentration nanocomposites as well as anti-counterfeiting holograms based on this technology. For this Russian Science Day, we talked with Igor Denisyuk about the path of a scientist, the rise of optical holography in Russia, and ways to develop succession in science.


  • Student Spotlight: Saadiallakh Normatov, Kazakhstan

    22-year-old Saadiallakh Normatov traveled from his home in Kazakhstan to ITMO driven by a passion for his craft – computational chemistry. Now a student in the Infochemistry Master’s program, he shares the origin of his story, his first impressions of ITMO, and some insider’s tips for those wishing to follow in his footsteps and join the Infochemistry Scientific Center.


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: February 8-14, 2024

    Though the temperatures are dropping this week, don’t let your mood follow suit. Instead, keep it up by visiting a plethora of exhibitions, celebrating Lunar New Year, stepping inside legendary works of art, and much more. With such a tight schedule, neither sadness nor boredom will stand a chance!
