Search by tag «IT» 118 results

  • Minister Olga Vasilyeva Awards ITMO’s Staff with Russian Federation Government Prize in Education

    Yesterday, on February 9th, the House of Government of the Russian Federation hosted the award ceremony for the Russian Federation Government Prize in Education of 2016. Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education and Science, and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets awarded the 19 laureates. Five awards were given to members of ITMO University for developing a complex procedure for selecting and training highly qualified world-class personnel in the field of Information Technologies.


  • Smartphones Are no Longer "Smart" With Cloud Technologies

    Recently ITMO students participated in an internship at the Dell EMC corporation where they learnt about promising data storage technologies developed by the company. Gennady Smorodin, head of the Russian cluster of Dell EMC Academic Alliance, shared why an IT expert has to keep up with novelties.


  • ITMO University Staff Win Government Award for Translational IT

    ITMO University’s team headed by the Director of the School of Translational Information Technology Alexander Boukhanovsky received an award from the Government of the Russian Federation for the creation and implementation of "Complex Methods for the selection and training of highly quality personnel of a world-class level in the field of Information technology" known as ICT Excellence. This is a program for continuing education aimed at training elite personnel in the field of translational IT. Such technologies are being introduced to companies and organizations to optimize their work. What makes this program unique is that it can be studied at any stage of the educational process and is carried out in partnership with universities around the world and its graduates are trained to work at a world class level.


  • IT Remains the Best Choice: SuperJob Webportal on 2017's Job Market

    The SuperJob web portal has published its forecasts for the job market. According to them, IT-specialists will continue to be in high demand, and the companies will compete for getting the best of them. This articles is on what the salaries for young IT-specialists will be, is there any point in studying the basics of programming and what kind of IT-specialists will be most sought-after.


  • IT from the Very Beginning: How to Start a Business

    Your own business gives you free hand with developing projects and ideas. It was the main reason why Dmitry Kovalchuk and Nikolay Chernobaev decided to organize an online school for IT specialists. In the interview to our news portalthey talked about their Loftschool.


  • WorldUsabilityDay@ITMO: Not Every Trend Has to Be Followed Blindly

    As of now, a beautiful interface is not enough to satisfy a present user. When information technologies became an integral part of our lives we became more and more critical to usability issues. The experts discussed these problems at WorldUsabilityDay@ITMO conference, which took place at ITMO last weekend.


  • The Future of Programming: IOI Winners Talked about their Challenges and Dreams

    Having won the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) Mikhail Putilin, Nodir Daminov and Stanislav Naumov enrolled in the Information Technologies and Programming Faculty. Without knowing anything about coding they started to obtain this knowledge step by step facing various challenges and dreaming about brilliant careers.


  • The Question of Innovation: What Scientists Should Be Nourished?

    Implementation of innovations into Russian industry makes headlines in media and is also appreciated by the society and supported by the officials. According to the experts, this process includes such important engines as universities that serve as the main talent pool and best training center for future specialists. However, there are some arguable points to this issue. The participants of International Innovation Forum discussed them at its' 9th session at St. Petersburg.
