Search by tag «Publication» 169 results

  • Scientists Create Antilaser for Bose-Einstein Condensate of Ultracold Atoms

    An international team of scientists has developed the world's first antilaser for the coherent perfect absorption of waves in a Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atoms. For the first time, scientists have demonstrated the fundamental possibility of this process for the waves propagating in a nonlinear medium. The obtained results can be used to manipulate superfluid flows, create atomic lasers, and also study nonlinear optical systems. The results were published in Science Advances.


  • Study Reveals The Great Pyramid of Giza Can Focus Electromagnetic Energy

    An international research group applied methods of theoretical physics to study the electromagnetic response of the Great Pyramid to radio waves. Scientists found out that under resonance conditions the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy both in its internal chambers and the area located under its base. The research group plans to apply these findings to design nanoparticles capable of reproducing similar effects in the optical range. Such nanoparticles may be used to develop sensors and highly efficient solar cells. The study was published in the Journal of Applied Physics.


  • Physicists Design New Nanoresonators With Giant Nonlinear Response

    An international research team has found a way to make frequency conversion of light at the nanoscale a hundred times more efficient. The new method is based on isolated dielectric nanoparticles supporting the so-called bound states in the continuum. Such states appear when radiating fields in the particle suppress each other, so that the electromagnetic energy inside the particle can be trapped. This prediction can be employed for a new generation of tiny frequency conversion devices, nanolasers. The research was published in Physical Review Letters on July 19, 2018 as a cover story.


  • Innovative Method for Microcirculation Diagnosis Gives New Insights into Migraines

    Russian scientists developed a new optical method for non-invasive diagnosis of blood circulation in capillaries. The method is based on video recording of the skin surface with simultaneous registration of light absorption by red blood cells. Using this method, scientists found out that people suffering from migraines displayed malfunctions in capillary regulation. This technique can also be applied to studies of strokes and diabetes, as well as for monitoring blood circulation during brain surgeries. The results are published in The Journal of Headache and Pain.


  • Scientists Describe Oxidants' Effect on Metal-Organic Frameworks for Drug Delivery

    A team of chemists-theoreticians modeled the interaction of a metal-organic framework (MOF) for drug delivery with oxidants. The model showed that the MOF is stable in water, but degrades in the presence of active forms of oxygen. As such oxidants emerge in inflammatory tissues, MOFs can be used in the design of systems for targeted delivery of anti-inflammatory agents. The research results were published in The Royal Society of Chemistry (PCCP) magazine.


  • Scientists Taught Fluorescent Microscope to Automatically Adapt to Any Sample

    An international team of physicists found a new way to improve images obtained by fluorescence microscopy. The method is based on adaptive optics and implies an automatic correction of aberrations. Moreover, this correction is based on the quality of individual pixels, rather than the image as a whole. This helps avoid re-calibration of the microscope in case of changing the sample. As a result, microscopy can be significantly accelerated. The results are published in PLoS ONE.  


  • Physicists Discover Way to Control Transitions Between States of Matter

    An international team of physicists has managed for the first time to experimentally observe a transition between two different states of matter: a propagating polariton-soliton and a Bose-Einstein condensate. Furthermore, the researchers developed a theoretical model to explain such transitions and found a way to “switch” between the different states by changing the laser pumping power in the polariton formation process. The results are published in Physical Review Letters.


  • Physicists Propose New Mechanism of Radio Emission in Neutron Stars

    Young scientists from ITMO University have explained how neutron stars generate intense directed radio emission. They developed a model based on the transitions of particles between gravitational states, i.e. quantum states in gravitational field. The researchers were the first to describe such states for electrons on the surface of neutron stars. Physical parameters obtained with the developed model are consistent with real experimental observations. The results are published in The Astrophysical Journal.


  • Scientists Invent Method of Catching Bacteria with ‘Photonic Hook’

    An international team of physicists has discovered a new type of curved light beams, dubbed a “photonic hook”. Photonic hooks are unique, as their radius of curvature is two times smaller than their wavelength. This is the first time that such a small curvature radius of electromagnetic waves has been recorded. A photonic hook can be used to improve the resolution of optical scanning systems, as well as to control the movement of nanoparticles, individual cells, viruses or bacteria. Results of this research were published in Optics Letters and Scientific Reports.


  • ITMO Scientists Study Properties of Terahertz Gauss-Bessel Beams

    Scientists from ITMO University became the first to conduct a comprehensive study of the spatio-temporal and spatio-spectral properties of pulsed broadband terahertz Gauss-Bessel beams. This theoretical research looks promising in terms of practical application, as these beams can be used in wireless communications to increase data transfer speed and the number of simultaneously connected devices. The research results were published in the Scientific Reports journal.
