Search by tag «METANANO» 17 results

  • Young Scientists Share Experience from Sirius School in Sochi

    The Sirius Art & Science Park in Sochi has recently hosted a four-day Conference School on Photonics, Radio Physics and Nanotechnologies. More than 60 students from Russian universities attended lectures and workshops, competed in a hackathon, and visited their first “real” science conference, METANANO-2018, which brought together more than 300 experts in the field of nanophotonics and metamaterials from all over the world. Speaking to ITMO.NEWS, the students shared the details of their research and gave their answers to the question of why fundamental science is relevant today and why conferences matter.


  • Two Cities, 200 Participants, One Ride: Bike Ride with Rector 9.0

    Yesterday marked the ninth time when ITMO’s students, teachers, staff and friends met with Rector Vladimir Vasilyev for a picturesque bike ride in St. Petersburg’s seaside district. This time, they were accompanied by the participants of the METANANO 2018 International Conference that is taking place in Sochi. This year’s ride brought together more than 200 people, including the University’s research associates, exchange students from different countries, and even 2010 Nobel Prize winner in physics Prof. Andre Geim.


  • Nobel Prize Laureate Andre Geim: ‘Science is a Lifelong Marathon, Not a 100-Meter Sprint’

    In 2010, Sir Andre Geim was awarded a Nobel Prize in physics for his groundbreaking work on graphene. It was his discoveries that led to the wonder material’s active proliferation in science and industry alike. Prof. Geim continues his revolutionary work on two-dimensional materials as part of his research group in the University of Manchester. The famed scientist presented his latest findings at the 2018 METANANO conference in Sochi and gave this exclusive interview to ITMO.NEWS and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology’s ‘For Science’ corporate journal, where he talked about why he doesn’t think that lifelong devotion to one scientific field is a good idea, what motivates young researchers to take the leap into fundamental science, and why scholars need to learn to communicate their findings to the wider audience. 


  • Sochi Hosts METANANO 2018 International Conference

    This Monday, September 17, the third METANANO International Conference on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials started in Sochi. The conference will last till September 21 and bring together more than 300 leading scientists from all over the world, including Prof. Andre Geim from the University of Manchester, a 2010 Nobel Prize winner in physics, who will talk about his latest research in the field of 2D heterostructures.


  • METANANO-2018 Conference: How to Participate and What to Expect

    The International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics METANANO 2018 will be held for the third time on September 17-21 in Sochi. Scientists from all around the world will come together to discuss the latest scientific discoveries and achievements; approximately half of the event’s guests will come from foreign universities and research centers. The METANANO conference is becoming increasingly popular due to its large scientific scope. This leads to more interdisciplinary research and, therefore, more practical applications are made for theoretical inventions.


  • Scientists Form New Road Map for Photonics and Quantum Communications Development

    Participants of the international roundtable discussion, which was held as part of the METANANO-2017 Conference in Vladivostok, discussed the future of research in photonics and quantum communications in Russia and outlined the goals for scientific collaborations with other BRICS countries. Representatives of various scientific organizations discussed the next steps that need to be undertaken by researchers and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to make Russia a leader in photonic technologies research.


  • METANANO-2017: International Conference on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials held in Vladivostok

    The annual international conference on nanophotonics and metamaterials kicked off on 18 September in Vladivostok at the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU). The conference brings together more than 230 scientists and researchers from all over the world. The conference is organized by ITMO University and FEFU with the support of the Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics (MIFP) and Russian Science Foundation. During the week, participants of METANANO-2017 will discuss the latest advances in the field of metamaterials, nanophotonics, terahertz radiation, and optical engineering, as well as get acquainted with the culture and history of Vladivostok.
