Search by tag «Main» 2241 results

  • This Week in St. Petersburg: January 11-17, 2024

    Though this work week is short, it definitely offers no shortage of events to visit in the city. Movie screenings, exhibitions, and even a newly-opened ice rink – we have everything you need to make the end of the holidays joyful! See for yourself:


  • Russian Words Even Native Speakers Find Tricky

    We might have spent our whole lives speaking Russian, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t words we still find bizarre, surprising, or even mind-blowing. Discover our team’s favorite confusing Russian words – and get another key to that mysterious Russian soul of ours.


  • ITMO to Host Second Mega School – Winners Get into Master’s Programs Without Exams

    Mega School provides a great opportunity for Bachelor’s students and graduates of any Russian university to get into ITMO’s Master’s programs without entrance exams. Applications for the school opened today, so it’s high time we told you how to join the event and what other benefits it can bring you. Read on to find out.


  • Best Activities to Kickstart Your Brain After Holidays

    We’ve all been there: the holidays are over and your responsibilities are calling, but your mind is still chock-full with garlands, candy, and wrapping paper. Diving into work (or studies) head-first isn’t gonna cut it – you’ll need to pick up some steam first. So, here are some of our best ideas for how to get back into gear with these fun-yet-healthy distractions.


  • Get to Know the ITMO.NEWS International Editorial Team

    Within the Internationalization Office, a department that seeks to make ITMO fully accessible to international guests both online and offline, there is a group of people responsible for English-language content on ITMO.NEWS. They tell you all about ITMO, quirky Russian traditions, self-improvement experiments, and the things we are passionate about. On social media, they entertain you with handy tips, home-cooked memes, and all sorts of engaging content. But who are they? Read on to find out.


  • These Winter Holidays in St. Petersburg Part 2: January 4-8, 2024

    With all the salads eaten and all the movies watched, it's time to leave your four walls for more than just a quick run to the store – or, if you’re a Brodsky fan, add a handful of exciting ideas on what to do at home during your well-deserved break.


  • What To See at ITMO’s Museum of Optics This Winter Break

    The building located on Birzhevaya Liniya 14 has a rich history: in the early 1860s, it was owned by the Eliseevsky merchant dynasty, and since the 1920s, it has housed a state optical institution, where a graduate of ITMO University recorded the first-ever 3D art hologram. The structure now houses ITMO's Museum of Optics – the first university-based interactive museum that not only introduces visitors to cultural heritage items but also lets them practically feel the magic of science. Here are the top exhibits to see at the museum.


  • Best Books to Read This Winter Break

    When it’s cold outside and the sun is a rare visitor, what better activity could there be than reading a great book in the comfort of your home? It’s the perfect way to travel – over any distance and without any tickets. With the help of our ITMO Library, we’ve put together this quick list of the best wintertime reads for every taste.


  • Our Team’s Top 3 Songs of 2023

    What better way is there to review the year if not to look back on your go-to songs? We’ve done just that – welcome the special end-of-the-year edition of songs, with all our dearest favorites. May 2024 bring even more wonderful, soul-soothing tunes!


  • Student Spotlight: Alexander Saitov, Kazakhstan

    From sunny Kazakhstan to Tomsk and then to St. Petersburg – Alexander Saitov’s academic journey has truly taken him places! A student at ITMO’s FoodTech Master’s program, he is very passionate about his field. In this interview, we talk about his interest in biotechnologies, discover how he found his calling, and learn his invaluable advice for making friends in a new country. Keep reading to learn his story!
