Search by tag «Main» 2235 results

  • Five Things We Loved Last Week


  • ITMO University is in the Top-100 for Computer Science According to THE

    The latest Times Higher Education subject rankings were announced for Computer Science. ITMO University has never been represented in these rankings before and this year took 56th place, just one of two Russian Universities in the top-100 (along with Lomonosov Moscow State University).


  • Young Engineers from Russia Leave to Conquer the World Robot Olympiad

    Robots can behave like humans and even more — they are now able to solve difficult tasks like picking up waste in inaccessible places. The slogan for the World Robot Olympiad of 2016 is «Rap the scrap!», as its participants are going to present robots for sorting, processing and disposing of waste.


  • Lena Brandt: «Competition Promotes Science Communication»

    European countries invest in such fundamental and expensive projects as the European Organization for Nuclear Research and Large Hadron Collider. However that would be impossible without explaining the necessity of such scientific projects. The question is what Russians know about the state of their domestic science?


  • Open University: Education For All

    ITMO University actively participates in the «Open University» project, a chance for all people to learn from the best professors, scientists, and researchers in St. Petersburg and Europe. Participation is completely free; the most recent, 8th session was on how technology changed people, social values and history; it was held last Saturday, 24 September, at the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater.


  • Five Things We Loved Last Week


  • «Quantum Communications» Has Made a Deal with an Outside Investor

    ITMO University sold a share of its' company «Quantum Communications» to NEOTECH company. The parties signed the agreement at the St. Petersburg International Innovative Forum. This bargain is a good example of how universities can reach the innovative market. Dealing with companies is not widespread among Russia’s universities but ITMO’s one may become a driver for a further partnership in this field.


  • Distance Medicine Technologies: ITMO’s Collaborations With Federal Almazov North-West Research Center

    This year, the first Master's students joined ITMO's Computational Biomedicine program. Specialists from Federal Almazov North-West Research Center gave them a tour so these IT students could learn more about the technologies used in modern medicine and become the ones who will create new ones for the physician's needs in the future.


  • ITMO University in the Times Higher Education Ranking for the First Time and Amongst Russia’s Top Three

    Times Higher Education published the results of the worldwide ranking for higher education institutions World University Rankings 2016−2017. ITMO University entered the ranking for the first time, being placed 351−400 in the overall rankings and third in Russia.


  • SAP Marketing Director Makes Predictions about the Future

    Sergei Pankratov, SAP CIS Marketing Director is sure that smartphones have changed all consumption strategies and principles. The evolution of all marketing areas goes further and further. However many companies have yet to understand that.
