Search by tag «Main» 2231 results

  • SCAMT’s Review on Chemically Synthesized Materials — a Reason to be Proud

    The chemical synthesis of metamaterials — including the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is one of the most essential research areas worldwide. Still, only few research teams in Russia do research in this field — one of them being from ITMO University. Researchers from SCAMT International Laboratory in collaboration with their colleagues from the Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials published a review article on the topic in ChemicalSocietyReview, a most trusted scientific magazine for chemists.


  • Why Sugar the Pill: Indian Scientists on How Sweet Pills Make Treatment More Effective

    The sour taste of some drugs makes the treatment process even more intolerable. To ease the patient's lives, biochemistry scientists search for ways to mask out the taste of some drugs. Among those are Indian researchers from the Institute of Chemical Technology — professors Padma Devarajan and Mariam Degani, who work on such methods using molecular modeling methods.


  • The New NANO-year in Saint Petersburg

    This weekend, the «NANOyear on the Aptekarski» science festival for schoolers and teachers took place in Saint Petersburg. This year, the organizers decided to focus on startups: for this, ITMO organized and interactive exhibition of the projects done at the University. The date for the festival was carefully chosen. «Nano» means one billionth: to get a nanometer, for instance, you multiply a meter by ten to the minus ninth. So, «ROSNANO School League» that works on popularizing science education in Russian schools has been organizing this festival on the 10th of September (10.09) for the last five years.


  • Portuguese Scientist Talks About Optical Technologies

    During the METANANO-2016 conference, Mario Silverinya, a scientist from the University of Lisbon, talked about the possibilities of topological effects in continuous systems — something that was deemed impossible not so long ago. This can lead to the creation of wave guides where light won’t dissipate, as well as contribute to technologies for decreasing the size and increasing efficiency of electronic components. In an interview for our portal, he spoke of light manipulation and the importance of popularizing science.


  • The Day Programmers Bathe in Fountains

    Today, Russia celebrates the Day of the Programmer! Developers bathe in fountains and sing their special songs! Well, no, actually.


  • Five Things We Loved Last Week


  • British Royals Acknowledge Video360 Arctic Footage

    Several months ago, Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NArFU) made a proposition to specialists from ITMO's Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations — to participate in an expedition of the Arctic Floating University and create a report in the video-360 format. The video turned out so good that it was highly rated by the British delegation led by Princess Anna. The Princess's husband, vice-admiral Tim Laurence liked it so much that he expressed a wish to participate in the annual NArFU's expedition.


  • Great Expectations: ITMO University Freshmen Shared their Impressions

    More than 1.000 school graduates from Russia's different regions and other countries became ITMO University freshmen on August 31. During one of the most important summers in their lives they passed Unified State Exam, more than one-third gained the highest ones, won various School Olympiads — more than 20% have received the right for enhanced scholarship and also have come a long way from their birth-places to join ITMO community. We asked them about their feelings.


  • Kronstadt — the "Hub of the Universe" and the Might-Have-Been Capital of Russia

    Kronstadt is a quiet green municipal town located on the Kotlin Island to the west of St. Petersburg, full of parks, gardens and boulevards. In a way, it’s a miniature St. Petersburg, with its own Gostiny Dvor, Summer Garden, Menshikov Palace, Obvodny Canal and even its own drawbridge, which makes it an ideal place to go to on a one-day trip.


  • ITMO Student Wins AI Journey Contest 2021

    Ammar Ali, a PhD student from ITMO University’s Information Technologies and Programming Faculty, has become a winner and runner-up, respectively, of two high-profile competitions in AI and computer vision: AI Journey Contest by Sberbank and Evraz AI Challenge by Evraz. Thus, the student continued his winning streak, which began in early 2021 when he won a competition organized by the American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and supported by NASA. We talked to Ammar to find out how he managed to combine these two latest achievements and what he plans to do next.
