Search by tag «Research» 549 results

  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #48

    Welcome back! In today’s overview of recent updates from the world of research and academia, we’re looking at both the rich legacy and the boundless future of science at ITMO. From legendary scholars and ambitious young scientists to AI-fueled breakthroughs – we’ve got it all.


  • AI to Bring Parity in Science: Alexander Boukhanovsky on Developing Fundamental AI Models

    Alexander Boukhanovsky, the head of ITMO’s School of Translational Information Technologies, recently took part in a press conference held by the Russian Science Foundation at the TASS news agency. The scientist highlighted Russia’s role as one of the leaders in using the combination of AI and classical mathematical methods to deliver relevant applied solutions. However, several more challenges have to be overcome in order to place Russia on an even footing with other world AI leaders.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #47

    Following the 2023 recap, we’re back with our regular overview of the latest reports, interviews, and explainers from the world of science – both at ITMO and beyond.


  • ITMO Scientists Devise High-Speed Area Scanners for Security and Missing Person Searches

    Researchers from ITMO University have developed a scanning system that  produces high-resolution thermal imaging pictures of its surroundings by detecting objects of varying temperatures at two-second intervals. Compared to analogs, the proposed technology is more reliable and affordable, and can scan areas more quickly. Among its possible applications are infrastructure security, tracking all modes of transportation (water, land, and air), and locating missing persons.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup: 2023 Recap

    All through 2023, we’ve been keeping you updated on all the science news from ITMO. Today, we’re looking at some of the most notable, resonant, and exciting breakthroughs, discoveries, and interviews from the past 12 months


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #46

    As the holidays approach, we come to you with this year’s final review of all things science at ITMO. New research labs, interviews with eminent scientists, and promising new projects – all in today’s science roundup.


  • Travelers, Bikers, and Fashionistas: ITMO's 2024 Calendar Makes Science Cool

    ITMO wouldn’t be ITMO if we didn’t do something extraordinary to mark the end of the year. This time, the university tells 12 stories of science heroes from a different angle: you will learn about not only their work, but also their hobbies, values, and dreams. You will find the looks and stories of scientists, entrepreneurs, and science artists in a calendar called The Big Style Theory.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #45

    Twice a month, ITMO.NEWS looks back on the key science news from recent weeks. Today, we’ll be reviewing a slate of updates from the Infochemistry Scientific Center and hearing the stories of an educator, a researcher, and a student whose successes promise to make the world better, each in its own way.


  • ITMO Chemists' New Technology Detects Antibiotics in Milk

    With electrochemical analysis (a high sensitivity method for detecting target substances in solutions) and machine learning at its core, the new technology developed at ITMO can automatically detect the exact quantity of antibiotics in milk. Apart from protecting consumers from harmful substances, the new solution can be used to analyze other environments, such as oil (for revealing unwanted contaminants), coffee (for determining its quality), and wine (for verifying its authenticity). The technology with its underlying research was described in an article in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #44

    Every two weeks, we share the latest breakthroughs, successes, and revelations in science at ITMO and around the world. Today, we’ll be looking at advances in AI and medicine, learning about the stories of ITMO’s brightest, and satisfying your curiosity about the world around us.
