Artificial intelligence

Could AI hold the key to formalizing the laws that govern social interactions, psychology, and economics? That is certainly what the creators of EPDE, a new AI-based digital tool, believe to be possible. Developed by ITMO’s Laboratory for Composite AI, the algorithm sorts through data to identify the most likely explanations for complex processes and then converts them into mathematical equations. The end goal? To discover universal laws for fields thought to be too full of unpredictable factors.

Read more: Teaching AI to Discover New Laws of Nature


In the already highly competitive world of generative networks, another up-and-comer has emerged. Its name? YandexGPT. In her recent post on our Blogs section, Arina Zhizhileva, a Master’s student of the program Intelligent Systems in Humanities, takes a look at the new model and whether the backing of Russia’s major tech giant will be enough to propel YandexGPT into the limelight.

Read more: Blogs Beyond ChatGPT: Exploring the Potential of YandexGPT in Conversational AI


Today, any new business wants to not only be profitable, but ethical, too. A new Master’s program at ITMO is tackling that issue head-on: Sustainable Development and Environmental Management is all about learning to integrate eco-conscious products into the everyday workflow and bettering the planet (and society) in the process.

The program, which is taught in Russian, is run in collaboration with several industrial partners (from telecom providers to environmental research institutes) and tasks the students with developing green projects as part of their studies. Applications are already being accepted.


How will the latest technology change our familiar ways of perceiving the world? Digital Refractions, a new exhibition co-organized by ITMO’s Art & Science Center and Yandex, challenges the five conventional senses through science art installations.

Using a wide array of objects – from analog devices to VR – the artists, all current or former students of the center, seek to create new experiences that go beyond our accepted reality. One project converts “infoglut” into a tangible audiovisual experience; another puts the viewers into the role of an embryo, experiencing the world through lights and vibrations. The exhibition, currently on display at Yandex Museum in Moscow, will remain open until June 12.

Read more: Technologies and Humans in Conversation: Yandex Museum & ITMO Partner Up for Contemporary Art Exhibition