Search by tag «Games» 27 results

  • Creating a Dream Game: Advice from a Game Designer with 17-Year Industry Record

    Living in the office, relaxing at parties, and devoting six years to the creation of a dream game: this is how game designer Kirill Zolovkin describes his life. In his 17 years in the industry, he has worked his way to the top at the company OctoBox Interactive and won a multitude of awards. There have been other recognitions; for example, one of his games was streamed by PewDiePie, the gaming YouTuber extraordinaire. In his talk at an open day of the educational program “Game Development Technologies”, Kirill shared about stumbling blocks in video game development. 


  • St. Petersburg 2103: Building the City of the Future

    The “St. Petersburg 2103” exhibition about the past, present  and  future of the city has recently started in the Manege Central Exhibition Hall. Why did Catherine II want to make the city smaller, while Alexander I wanted to extend it? What does modern St. Petersburg look like? And what will it look like in the future, for example, when it turns 400 years old? The exhibitions give you an opportunity to think about the development of the city and try your hand as a developer with the help of an interactive game designed by scientists from ITMO University.


  • Gaming Your Way In Programming

    During the past several years, gamification of educational processes has become a trend in many areas. When getting ready for the Unified State Examinations or learning foreign languages, more and more students now prefer interactive forms to traditional textbooks. For this purpose, programmers create different platforms, but how can one learn programming in a similar manner? The answer is simple - the very same way, using platforms that allow to train certain skills in a game format. ITMO.NEWS would like to share about some of them.


  • Virtual World in a Couple of Days

    “Creation of game worlds: from math models to art” – that was the topic of the 10th Interactive School “Technologies of High-Performance Computing and Computer Modeling.” During four days the participants attended lectures on video game development and gamification as well as created their own game worlds. 


  • “Physics: the Game of Light” - ITMO University and Newtonew Launch a New Online Game for School Students

    ITMO and the Newtonew educational portal launch a new online game "Physics: the Game of Light", which is aimed at attracting talented and motivated applicants to study at the university. The participants will get the opportunity to check their grasp of physics, as well as earn up to 10 points that would be added to their Unified State Examination score.


  • Cybersports: How Gamers Become Professionals?

    For those who are not familiar with gaming, "cyber-sport" even sounds strange — what sport is that if it only exists in virtual space? Yet, professional teams that play League of Legends or Counter-Strike gather whole stadiums and earn millions, and the new sport has its own requirements to sportsmen. How one becomes a cyber-sportsman, and what gaming tournaments are about — read that and more in our article.


  • Gamification: How to Learn the Periodic Table While Playing Battleship

    A game that does not only train social skills, but teaches science as well — is that not the golden mean everyone's looking for? Introducing gaming elements into the Russian educational system is deemed as something difficult and risky: teachers find it hard to manage students as it is, and with games they can totally get out of control! Yet, Maksim Ivanov, Master's student at the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, believes that won't happen as long as the games are right. He and his team develop educational games for companies and educational establishments, and are planning to launch a course on educational games for young teachers.
