Search by tag «IT» 118 results

  • Digital Renaissance: Yandex Academy Conference on Metaverses, Digital Doubles, and Technological Art

    We’re witnessing a massive technological shift, which allows different fields, such as art and science, medicine and cybernetics, programming and anthropology, to intersect. What trends are especially relevant nowadays? Digital artists and experts in education gathered at the annual Yandex conference YAC/e to discuss this and many other related questions.


  • Online Schools VS Universities: Best Education for a Career in IT

    A career in IT is the dream job for many. High wages, comfy offices, a friendly culture, and, of course, cookies – all these things draw young specialists to the industry. But what is the best education for fledgling IT professionals? This was the topic of discussion on November 9 at Yet another Conference on Education – the major online conference organized by Yandex.


  • Take Our Famous Programmers Quiz

    Today, on September 13, we celebrate the Day of the Programmer. It’s annually celebrated on the 256th day of a year because 256 (2 to the power of 8) is the number of distinct values that can be represented with a byte. For this occasion, we’ve compiled a test for you dedicated to the history of programming and IT. Take a look at the pictures and try to guess who’s painted there.  


  • ITMO's Bonustrack: Get Another Degree For Free

    Bonustrack is a new initiative offered by ITMO University that allows Bachelor’s and Master’s students to earn an additional degree in IT during their studies. Who can join the program and how to start studying IT for free? Let’s find out!


  • ITMO.Online: ITMO Launches its Own Learning Platform

    ITMO.Online is a digital educational platform offering unconventional and interdisciplinary courses in Russian for everyone interested in lifelong learning. The platform currently has nine courses (e.g. Art & Science, bioethics, and emotional intelligence), with ten more programs in data analysis, marketing, food technology, and modern educational technologies expected to appear by the end of the year.  Learn more about the service in our article.


  • ITMO Ranked Among Top 3 in Graduate Salaries in IT Industry

    The job-hunting platform SuperJob has published its research center’s annual ranking of Russian universities according to the size of salaries earned by young graduates in the IT industry. This year, ITMO was once again included among the top 3 – according to the data, the St. Petersburg-based university’s alumni earn an average of 200,000 rubles per month.


  • ITMO.EduLeaders Winner Andrey Sukhovitsky: The Industry Needs IT Specialists Who Not Only Code But Can Easily Integrate Into Production Processes

    Andrey Sukhovitsky graduated from ITMO’s Information Technologies and Programming Faculty. Like many of his fellow students, Andrey started working at an IT company when he was still a student, and already then he acquired an interest in teaching. As he admits himself, he strived to become a passionate teacher and a true mentor for his students, always there to help them if they needed it. Now, the lecturer not only delivers a software design course but also introduces novel educational approaches. For instance, he figured out a way to simulate real industrial processes that are at work in modern IT companies at the university. His project received an award at the ITMO.EduLeaders contest. In the article, Andrey Sukhovitsky speaks more about his experiment and explains why programmers need soft skills and higher education.


  • ITMO Team Shines at SPbSUT Competition in Information Security

    ITMO University’s students claimed first place in a cybersecurity contest organized by St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SPbSUT). All in all, 26 teams from the Northwestern Federal District participated in the competition. Having scored 96 out of 100, the ITMO team is now to compete at the national competition OpenBonch 2022 planned for this fall.


  • ITMO.EduStars Winner Artem Beresnev: The Best Thing About Teaching is Opening up New Horizons for Students

    Artem Beresnev is a qualified engineer and teacher who has successfully managed to combine IT projects and teaching throughout his entire career. After graduating from ITMO, Artem has decided to stay at his alma mater. For over 20 years now, he has been training students in telecommunication systems, systems administration, and other IT-related fields at ITMO. Last year, the lecturer received an award for his achievements in education. In this article, Artem speaks about cultural differences in the classroom, as well as explains what teachers and farmers have in common and how professional contests can help educators combat burnout.


  • Outcomes of 6th St. Petersburg International Labor Forum

    The 6th St. Petersburg International Labor Forum took place on March 14-18. This event brought together representatives of business, administration, science, education, and HR. They discussed new tendencies and challenges of the labor market, such as the lack of IT specialists. Read on to find out more about the measures taken by employers to solve the pressing problems, as well as what to expect in the future.
