Search by tag «Software engineering» 30 results

  • Student Spotlight: Istahad Chowdhury, Bangladesh

    For many of our international students, coming to ITMO is their first-ever international trip. Such is the case for Istahad, who came here from Bangladesh. In this interview, we take a deep dive into his new life in St. Petersburg and learn about his many experiences: from dealing with Russian customs control to visiting the outdoor camp at Yagodnoe. 


  • ITMO Named Best Russian University in Training IT Professionals

    This was revealed in the results of the ranking compiled by Russoft, an association of Russian software developers, based on a survey among IT companies who consider universities as suppliers of trained professionals. A total of 147 universities were included in the ranking.


  • Student Spotlight: Sharif Muradi, Afghanistan

    Are you a new international student at ITMO? Then you must have a lot of questions. How does it feel to be an international student in Russia? How to keep yourself warm during the harsh winter? What are some popular food options and tourist spots in St. Petersburg? We talked to Sharif, a second-year student from Afghanistan, to get his take on such questions. Read on to find out more.


  • Student Spotlight: Hossain Jafari, Afghanistan

    “Developing software that would add value to people’s lives has been my dream since childhood. To fulfill it, I joined ITMO,” says Hossain, an international student from Afghanistan who is currently enrolled in ITMO’s Foundation Program. After completing the preparatory course, he will pursue a Bachelor’s degree in software engineering. How did he find out about ITMO? What is it like to be an international student in Russia? What are his favorite activities here? He shares it all in this interview.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #7

    Welcome back to our Monday Science Roundup. Hungry for knowledge? This time, we’ve got a smorgasbord of freshly-caught scientific discoveries, a tasting set of educational opportunities, and a bubbling pot of pop-sci facts!


  • Gazprom Neft – New Corporate Partner of ITMO’s Software Engineering Master’s Program

    Together, ITMO University and Gazprom Neft will be training specialists in the field of software engineering. At the program, students will acquire a strong theoretical background and apply it in projects implemented by the program's new partner.


  • Student Spotlight: Gunbilig Battulga, Mongolia

    Hailing from the cold city of Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia, Gunbilig is an international student at ITMO. A guy with numerous hobbies and skills, Gunbilig is an exciting person to talk to. In this interview with ITMO.NEWS, he shares his experiences of learning Russian and celebrating New Year with his friends in St. Petersburg.


  • Neurotechnologies and Software Engineering Master’s Program to Go Corporate and Open Two New Specializations

    The program’s students will be developing and researching new software methods and tools under the guidance of practicing experts from Nexign (part of X Holding) in the field of telecommunications and Robotrack (part of the company group Brain Development LLC and Robotrack LLC) in the field of the implementation of neurotechnologies. 


  • Serhan Agrali: Visiting Silicon Valley Inspired My Major

    Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, Serhan Agrali was just fourteen when he left his home town to pursue his dreams, leading him to travel and study in several countries, including the United States, China, and now Russia. He is currently a first-year student of the Bachelor's degree program in Software Engineering at ITMO University.


  • Making the Workspace Safer With VR

    Last week at the Tochka Kipenia event space was marked by the Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems, a part of ITMO University’s 120th anniversary celebrations. The topics of the conference included software engineering development, computer systems and cyber-physical systems. One of the key presentations on the first day of the conference was given by Dmitry Kirillov, the president of VR solution company Modum Lab. He described the potential application of VR to educate children and adults alike. Read on for the highlights of his talk. 
