Search by tag «Lasers» 35 results

  • Laser Tech Summer School: Graduates Share Their Experience

    The school program pays little attention to lasers even though laser technologies are now very important in the fields of medicine, IT, robotics, space technology and many other applied sciences. ITMO University’s Laser Technology Summer School remedies this disparity: there, high schoolers can learn about the potential that laser technology has in today’s world, how it works and what future awaits those who start a career in laser optics. 36 Summer School graduates have just finished the course last week. ITMO.NEWS spoke to them about their experience and future plans.


  • Campus Festival: How to Learn About Science at a Bar

    How to discover a platinum field, why scientists can’t replicate more than half of their experiments and what is hidden behind the petroglyphs of North Europe and the treasures of the Hermitage? Last Friday, seven bars of St. Petersburg turned into an educational space for just one night. All in all, 12 lectures were given throughout the city. Vladimir Borisov, postgraduate student at ITMO University’s Department of Photonics and Optical Information Technologies, explained the construction of a laser and the concepts of holographic memory and supercontinuum, while Varvara Lymar, research fellow at ITMO University’s Institute of Design and Urban Studies, gave her thoughts on what could be done with St. Petersburg’s industrial areas. ITMO.NEWS paid a visit to the young scientists’ lectures and found out what a scientific gathering at a bar looks like and why this format is becoming ever more popular.


  • ITMO Launches the Open Academy of Laser Microtechnology

    Last Friday, the new laboratory center “Laser Micro- and Nanotechnologies and Systems” opened at the Department of Laser Systems and Technologies. Creating diffraction grids by using microplasma, using lasers to place tags on metal surfaces and creating functional relief surfaces - these are only some of the opportunities the laboratories offer. The laboratory's founders shared about why creating a laboratory that will always be in step with the times is so difficult, and how they succeeded in organizing one.  


  • Vadim Veiko: “Lasers Are Omnipotent”

    Professor Vadim Veiko, head of the Department of Laser Systems and Technologies, was awarded with the Order II Class "For Merit to the Fatherland" for his contribution to science and education. The professor is one of the stakeholders of laser technologies in Russia – in 1965 he established a laboratory and in the 1980s – the first chair of laser technologies. In the interview he talked about his recent research projects, forecasts about the future of technologies and his hobby, which helps him conquer new peaks.  


  • Creating Quartz-Based Nanocomposites: ITMO’s New International Collaboration

    ITMO University in collaboration with Jean Monnet University (France) will develop composite nanostructures for creating "laboratories-on-a-chip", new optical memory devices, and such. Porous glass will be used as a base for these nanostructures — scientists will add different substances and use lasers to create composites with various properties. The international research team will also continue the research on the effects of different modes of laser's operation on composites, which is essential for getting particular properties. The project will be carried out at the expense of the grant of the Federal Targeted Program "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Russian Scientific and Technological Complex for 2014−2020".
