Search by tag «Lasers» 35 results

  • Devices for Well-Being and Safety: ITMO’s Young Researchers Participate in Laser Optics International Conference

    The International Conference Laser Optics is held in St. Petersburg biannually. It welcomes researchers in the fields of physics, optics, and photonics, who discuss topical issues and present their achievements. Read on to discover what young scientists from ITMO demonstrated at the event and how their inventions will change lives.


  • ITMO Scientists Propose Improved Method For Laser-Plasma Processing of Glass

    The new method makes it possible to create thin elements on glass surfaces that are essential in the production of micro-optical components and phase elements for laser systems. An article on the subject was published in the Journal of Materials Processing Technology.


  • ITMO Resident LLS Company Develops Lab for Working with Laser and Optical Equipment

    At the laboratory, company’s staff and ITMO students can do research, testing, and assemble components and equipment. ITMO.NEWS spoke with the company’s founder and CEO Nikita Burov and the head of its engineering team Egor Serduk about its capabilities, results, and plans for the future.


  • Scientists Create Smallest Semiconductor Laser That Works in Visible Range at Room Temperature

    An international team of researchers announced the development of the world’s most compact semiconductor laser that works in the visible range at room temperature. According to the authors of the research, the laser is a nanoparticle of only 310 nanometers in size (which is 3,000 times less than a millimeter) that can produce green coherent light at room temperature. The research article was published in ACS Nano.


  • Scientists Use Lasers and Gold Particles to Turn Titanium Oxide Into Nanocomposite for Photocatalysts

    Oxides of different metals often serve as photocatalysts in various systems such as air purification, reactions of water decomposition and even in the production of self-cleaning surfaces for glass and mirrors. The physical-chemical properties of such materials can be improved by adding nanoparticles, which turn an ordinary oxide into a nanomaterial with new capabilities. To successfully perform this, however, it is necessary to understand the processes going on as a nanocomposite is being formed, and to be able to control them. ITMO University researchers together with their colleagues from France and the USA have demonstrated how a femtosecond laser can be used to tune the structure and nanocomposite properties for titanium dioxide films filled with gold nanoparticles. The paper was published in ACS The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 


  • Russian and Dutch Researchers on What’s Holding Back a Revolution in Data Storage

    Almost all of us store data on cloud services and use social networks. Some know that servers hosting that data occupy whole buildings and require significant resources to maintain. The world’s best researchers are at work trying to make data hosting more affordable, secure and user-friendly, but no revolutionizing changes have happened so far. Recently, Alexandra Kalashnikova, a physicist at the Ioffe Institute and ITMO University, along with colleagues from Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands) and the Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences have published a paper in Physics Reports. In the article, researchers explain why the industry hasn’t yet begun recording data on HDDs with lasers, or dropped disk drives altogether. Alexandra told ITMO.NEWS more about the paper. 


  • ITMO University PhD Student Evgeniy Odlyanitskiy on Creating a Laser Facility During Isolation

    Last year, Evgeniy Odlyanitskiy, ITMO University Faculty of Photonics and Optical Information’s PhD student, was invited for a six-month long internship at the University of Bordeaux in France. In six months, the Russian-French research team was supposed to create a laser system that is able to take high-quality pictures of objects in terahertz frequency range with subwave resolution. At the moment, the only system of that kind is located in Japan. Evgeniy was supposed to create his own version to be applied in the field of biophotonics. Read on to learn more about his research process and achieved results in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • Scientists from ITMO and S.N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex Have Developed and Introduced New Laser Method for Cataract Surgery

    Cataract is among the most widespread eye diseases. According to WHO, up to a third of all visual impairments have to do with cataract. The treatment methods are well-known but can sometimes be traumatizing. Scientists from ITMO and the S.N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex spent over 20 years working on reducing the side effects of cataract surgery. As a result, they came up with a technology where a laser is used both to destroy the clouded eye lens and to stimulate the regeneration of adjacent tissue. The researchers gave a detailed description of their method in an article that has been recently published in Optical and Quantum Electronics.


  • Researcher from University College London on Building a Career Abroad and Networking

    Daniil Nikitichev, a graduate of ITMO’s Faculty of Laser and Light Engineering, has been living and doing research in the UK for the past 12 years. His current work at the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering of University College London (Top 7 in the QS World Rankings) is dedicated to developing a 3D printer that would be able to print soft models for training medical specialists. In this interview with ITMO.NEWS, the researcher shares about the importance of networking and his career path, as well as recollects what it was like to move to another country.


  • The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018: World-Changing Inventions

    The Nobel week has just ended in Stockholm. Scientists Arthur Ashkin, Gerard Mourou, and Donna Strickland were awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics for breakthroughs in the field of lasers. According to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, “the inventions being honored this year have revolutionized laser physics”. In this article, ITMO researchers talk about the significance of the inventions.
