Search by tag «Research» 568 results

  • Chemoinformatics in ITMO: From Individual Projects to A University of Strasbourg Diploma

    Last year ITMO University launched a new Master's Degree program - Chemoinformatics and Molecular Modeling. There are few such programs in Russia - those that train specialists who will work in modern pharmacology and deal with such things as computer-aided drug design, predicting of compounds' properties and working with new materials on a molecular level. ITMO conducts its program in collaboration with the University of Strasbourg, and its best graduates can continue their education in France and get a University of Strasbourg diploma as well as ITMO's one. Yuri Prozorov, Head of the International Laboratory of Structural Bioinformatics, shared about the new program and why intelligent analysis of chemical data becomes more and more popular.


  • New Metamaterial-Enhanced MRI Technology Successfully Tested on Human Subjects

    Scientists from the Netherlands and Russia designed and tested a new metasurface-based technology for enhancing the local sensitivity of MRI scanners on human test subjects for the first time. The metasurface consists of thin resonant strips arranged periodically. Placed under a patient's head, it provides much higher image quality from the local brain region. The results, published in Scientific Reports, show that the use of metasurfaces can potentially reduce image acquisition time, make the procedure more comfortable for patients and acquire higher resolution images to allow diseases to be diagnosed at an earlier stage.


  • The Recent Nanophotonics and Metamaterials International Doctoral Summer School - Participants' Impressions

    The Second Nanophotonics and Metamaterials International Doctoral Summer Schoolhas just ended at ITMO University. According to its participants, the school offered a great opportunity to learn about the recent achievements in the field. For almosta week, they listened to lectures by scientists from leading research teams, conducted project work and got a whole lot of new ideas and useful contacts to work with. We've asked the students and one of the school's lecturers to share about the event.


  • Science Without Borders: The IV International i-Customs Conference

    This year, the i-Customs International Project where students from all over the world discuss different problems of international commerce, customs policies and procedures united young researchers from 15 countries who spent several months to prepare their projects. Authors of the 18 best reports were invited to the IV International Youth Conference i-Customs at ITMO University. Participants presented different collaborative research projects where they conducted comparative studies of processes of international commerce. In an interview for ITMO.NEWS, they shared about what science and education without barriers is like, and what the present opportunities and challenges of international student collaboration are. The i-Customs International Conference was organized by ITMO's Faculty of the International Business and Law.


  • Royal Society Member Maurice Skolnick: Why Making Science Understandable to Society Matters

    Why do we need to “disassemble” light into photons and how can it change the world? How do you explain to someone what a soliton is? Which discovery has shown the importance of long-term research to the world? Maurice Skolnick, a member of the Royal Society and a visiting scientist at ITMO University answers these and other questions in an interview with ITMO.NEWS. Prof. Skolnick’s field of work is semiconductors and he is currently studying methods of dispersing light into photons to create new modes of communication. He came to ITMO to work at a new international laboratory on hybrid light-matter states. 


  • Researchers Develop Word-of-mouth Computer Simulation

    Russian researchers have created a computer simulation that works on the word-of-mouth principle to show how information spreads among mobile phone users. The model reconstructs call paths and estimates whether the news was transferred through them or not. The program makes its conclusions based on open-source cellular communication data. According to the researchers, there is currently not enough such data to adapt the project for real-life application. Data for follow-up studies can only be provided by mobile network carriers. The paper was published in the Journal of Computational Science.


  • Holography Helped to Quickly Learn the Number of Particles in Volume

    Optical engineers from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg developed an express method for analyzing the distribution of particles in optically transparent media, based on correlation analysis of holograms. As a big part of the study, they created an algorithm capable of processing images in a few seconds. The new method can be applied to engineering devices for monitoring metal shavings in the engine oil, studying a plankton in water or tracking viruses in living cells. The work was published in Scientific Reports.


  • Research Associates Migraine with Hypertension

    St. Petersburg's scientists learned that that though arterial hypertension and migraines manifest themselves differently, they may have a similar origin. The researchers discovered that patients who have migraines have twice more relatives with cardiovascular problems than healthy people.  Yet, patients with migraines and normal blood pressure and patients with migraines and hypertension react to autonomic regulation of circulation tests differently.  According to the scientists, by studying the links between these diseases, one will be able to better understand mechanisms of their development and causes of frequent cardiovascular complications in migraine patients. The article was published in the Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical.


  • Videogames and Violence: the Pro’s and Con’s of Gaming

    The problem of violent video games, whether there is anything good about them, or do they turn kids into potential maniacs, has been around for many years already. Yet, scientific research on the subject shows that expecting a yes/no answer to it is totally wrong: one has to consider individual traits of every person. The point is, violent video games have a different effect on different people. Read more on the subject in our article.


  • New Faculty Opens Its Doors for Bachelors

    The new Physical Technical Faculty started working on January 1, 2017. This summer it will launch a program for Bachelors called "Nanophotonics and Quantum Physics."
