Search by tag «Main» 2235 results

  • Lectures on Ethical Hacking, Lab Tours, and Information Security Quizzes: ITMO Welcomes Baltic Science and Engineering Competition Finalists

    The Baltic Science and Engineering Competition is one of the major contests for school students from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent Nations. Its winners get to take part in Intel ISEF and compete for awards. As a partner of the competition, ITMO annually welcomes its finalists to introduce them to the research conducted at the university. This year, the participants visited the International Scientific and Academic Center “Security and Safety for Critical Digital Technologies” to learn about the center’s key projects, ethical hacking, and ways to enroll in ITMO.


  • ITMO Among Leading Russian Universities in RAEX Ranking

    The Three University Missions ranking system scaled up – for the first time ever, it also includes 29 subject rankings. Experts have identified leading universities in various fields, from machine engineering and robotics to philology and journalism. ITMO University made it to the top 10 of the rankings in these 29 categories cumulatively.


  • ITMO’s First Vice Rector Daria Kozlova Joins Expert Group for Development of Russian Far-East Universities

    During a recent strategic session in the city of Vladivostok, heads of universities from 11 regions of the Russian Far East were joined by experts and government representatives to discuss the development strategies of universities participating in the upcoming Priority 2030. Far East initiative. ITMO University’s First Vice Rector Daria Kozlova also took part in the session.


  • Smart Textiles and New Materials for Electronics: Current Developments and Potential Applications

    What kind of high-tech materials for the electronics, power, and textile industries are being made in Russia? Which projects are developed in St. Petersburg and what is their potential? These and other questions were discussed at a recent TASS news agency’s press conference that featured heads of strategic projects and experts from St. Petersburg universities. ITMO.NEWS shares the main talking points of the event.


  • Yandex.Eats Data Leak: Reasons, Ramifications, and Security Tips

    A few days ago, Yandex.Eats, a food delivery app by Yandex, suffered a data leak – a map of its users’ personal data (including names, phone numbers, addresses, and expenses over a period of six months) was published online. The company admitted that personal data of some users leaked on March 1 but stressed that this was an isolated incident. These days, any major IT business faces the threat of data leaks – on the online black market, there are even specific price ranges for user data from different services. We asked ITMO’s Dmitry Tatarov, an engineer at the Faculty of Secure Information Technologies, how companies can protect their data and what users should do if they find their personal data online. 


  • Results of the First National ITMO Mega Contest

    This spring, ITMO hosted the first national Mega Contest. Among the 1,348 participants were people from 40 different cities and all of the country’s time zones. They competed for the opportunity to enroll in Master’s programs at ITMO without entrance exams, as well as travel grants and a relocation package.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #2

    Advanced materials, new Master’s programs, and exciting job prospects for researchers: with another two weeks behind us, it’s time for another digest of the latest science news from ITMO University. Let’s dig in!


  • ITMO.EduStars Winner Andrey Balkanskii on Keeping up With the Trends as a Lecturer

    CGI cartoons are what inspired Andrey Balkanskii to study design. He enrolled at ITMO to dive into this field and after gaining professional experience, came to develop his projects at his alma mater. Andrey Balkanskii also teaches specialized courses focused on UX/UI design and last year he won the ITMO.EduStars award. Why are lecturers like coaches and how can they keep up with the ever-changing trends? Read on to find out. 


  • Song of the Month: March 2022

    Nostalgic, heartfelt, goosebump-inducing and more – here is what our March was like in tunes, melodies, and lyrics. 


  • ITMO PhD Student Evgeny Khomutov: My Main Goal Is to Be the Best Version of Myself

    Evgeny Khomutov graduated from the corporate Master’s program operated by ITMO’s Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics and the Sberbank Robotics Laboratory. Having successfully completed a project in collaboration with the company, he decided to continue his studies as a PhD student. These days, Evgeny is developing a system that will help design gripping devices automatically making it accessible even to novices. In the future, this system can serve as a basis for more personalized (and cheaper) hand prosthetics. We asked him why it’s more interesting to work at a university and not in the industry and how robotics can help people with special needs. 
