Search by tag «Machine Learning» 109 results
Techies Tell: Best Podcasts for Data Aficionados
Are you planning to become an analyst or are already working as one? Do you get a kick out of all things data? Here are six thematic podcasts in English for you to enjoy!
National Center for Cognitive Technologies Staff on Connecting Education, Research and Industry
ITMO University has recently hosted a scientific seminar of the National Center for Cognitive Technologies. ITMO.NEWS spoke to Anna Lutsenko, the Deputy Director of eScience Research Institute, and Klavdiya Bochenina, an associate professor at the Institute of Design & Urban Studies, about the Center’s development plans.
KonFest 2018: Experts on Development of K2B Market
The development of digital intelligence, Big Data analysis and sharing services will soon bring radical change to the B2B market. How one can prepare for these changes and what has to be done in the educational system in this regard was discussed by the market's major players during the KonFest 2018 business conference which took place at the Erarta contemporary art museum on November 16-17.
New York University Professor’s Take on Future of Digital Cities
Stanislav Sobolevsky is an Associate Professor of Practice at New York University (NYU), the Head of Urban Complexity Research Group and a co-founder of the Insight Data Labs consulting studio. His research interests include machine learning and Big Data, network analysis, human movement modeling, and the theory of differential equations. During his open lecture at ITMO University, he talked about a new scientific field, urban informatics, and in particular what issues it deals with and how it helps make cities more livable.
Coining It: ITMO University and Bank Saint Petersburg Develop Ways to Forecast Clients Spending Patterns
Last week, Higher School of Economics’s St. Petersburg campus hosted the 10th International Conference on Social Informatics, or SocInfo 2018 for short. The multidisciplinary event is an annual get-together for experts from different countries and fields, gathering to discuss their experiences of using information technologies to study social phenomena. One of this year’s conference speakers hails from ITMO University: Danila Vaganov, a second-year Master’s student at the High-Performance Computing Department and research associate at the eScience Research Institute, presented ITMO’s joint project with Bank Saint Petersburg. Its aim is to forecast the purchases the bank’s clients make through analyzing their financial and social data.
ITMO University’s National Center for Cognitive Technologies Holds its First Session
The first session of the National Center for Cognitive Technologies has taken place at ITMO University. Over the course of two days, participants, including hi-tech companies, universities, regulatory bodies, and various foundations, discussed the future of technological development, the infrastructure of cognitive research and specialist training. The session aimed to produce a set of practice-oriented strategies for the Center’s future operations.
ITMO University Wins State Support Research Grant
The Ministry of Education and Science’s competition for grant support of National Technological Initiative (NTI) centers has ended. The selected participants will receive funding for research and educational programs in the eight interdisciplinary fields. ITMO University won the funding for research in the field of machine learning and cognitive technologies. For that, the university has recently created a consortium of 18 organizations, which includes such companies as MTS,, Speech Technology Center, Er-Telecom and others, as well as several universities and scientific centers. The five-year program of the National Center for Cognitive Technologies intends to solve a set of scientific, educational and infrastructural tasks, which will result in overcoming the technological barriers associated with the systemic advancement of cognitive technologies in promising NSI markets.
UK Professor Talks Complex Systems, Game Theory, and Big Data
ITMO University has recently hosted a series of lectures on Mathematical Models for Complex Systems by Marco Javarone, a professor from the University of Hertfordshire (UK). He spoke about complex networks, numerical modeling of complex systems, and machine learning with an emphasis on financial technologies and social networks. Most importantly, the professor explained theoretical knowledge can be successfully implemented in practical applications. ITMO.NEWS asked Mr. Javarone some questions about complex systems studies, and what qualities students should have to get a job in the field.
VK’s Head of Growth and Research On Delegating Routine Tasks to AI
Last Sunday ITMO University announced the results of the ITMO VK Olympiad. This year, more than 3,000 school students from 70 regions of Russia and CIS took part in the competition that tested their knowledge in 6 disciplines. The finalists got to attend an open lecture on data analysis and machine learning technologies by Andrei Zakonov, the head of growth and research at VK and a graduate of ITMO University. Speaking to ITMO.NEWS, he revealed how machine learning is changing Russia’s biggest social network, how school students can get started in that field and what kind of skills VK looks for in its employees.
ITMO Hosts AI Academy Open Lessons
Can school students predict the outcome of e-Sports tournaments and solve serious tasks on data analysis? This week, Sberbank’s “Contribution to the Future” foundation launched the AI Academy project that aims to give every school student an opportunity to find out more about AI technologies, machine learning, and Big Data analysis, as well as develop their competencies in programming and mathematics. As part of this project, ITMO University hosted open lectures on machine learning and Big Data for 7-11 grade students.