Search by tag «Careers» 17 results

  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #59

    Science breakthroughs, new educational initiatives, and valuable career advice for cutting-edge fields: as always, the past two weeks have been rich in updates from the science world. Read it all in our regular digest.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #51

    Unlike Area 51, we keep no secrets! Here’s everything that has been going on in the ITMO universe these two weeks – from ground-breaking research to inspiring career prospects. Read on!


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #50

    Big numbers – big news! In this jubilee installment of our regular news digest, we’re digging into the top stories at ITMO, be it promising (and unusual) research, profiles of remarkable scientists and developers, or exciting opportunities for those at the very beginning of their path in science and technology.


  • ITMO.LiVE-2023: Graduates Share Impressions

    Stand-up comedy, music, sports, wheel of fortune, and NFTs: the ITMO.LiVe graduation ceremony took place on Yelagin Island this July 8. What memories will this year's graduates cherish for the rest of their lives? Read on to find out.


  • ITMO’s New Algorithm Makes Choosing a University Easier

    ITMO has launched ITMO TRACK, a new service that helps prospective students to pick their Bachelor’s program. The algorithm bases its recommendations on the student’s career preferences, desired salary, and the skills they want to learn during their studies. The service uses visual tools to build an individualized four-year study plan, showcasing every subject, class, and exam. The developers hope that this will help future students make a more informed choice in favor of a program that is best suited to meet their goals. Keep reading to find out more on how ITMO TRACK works and how to access the service.


  • Enrolling As an ITMO Star: A Wealth of Opportunities

    Four years ago, ITMO University launched ITMO.STARS, a unique initiative that allows applicants to enroll at the university based on their personal accomplishments. Several dozens of gifted students entered the university as ITMO.STARS since – and this year the first cohort of them is graduating with their Bachelor’s degrees. In this special series, we present seven stories of these first graduates, who share how taking part in ITMO.STARS changed their lives, what projects they are implementing at the university, and what they are dreaming of next.


  • ITMO Ranked Among Top 3 in Graduate Salaries in IT Industry

    The job-hunting platform SuperJob has published its research center’s annual ranking of Russian universities according to the size of salaries earned by young graduates in the IT industry. This year, ITMO was once again included among the top 3 – according to the data, the St. Petersburg-based university’s alumni earn an average of 200,000 rubles per month.


  • EDfest St. Petersburg 2022 Wrap Up: Soft Skills, Jobs of the Future, and Lab Tours

    EDfest St. Petersburg is a career guidance festival for school students, which took place from March 28 to April 1 and offered five days of animation workshops, lectures on science, entrepreneurship, and professional development, interactive master classes on holography, as well as free counseling sessions based on cutting-edge brain-computer interfaces. The festival was supported by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and organized by ITMO’s Museum of Optics and ITMO Technopark.


  • How ITMO’s Partnership With Sperasoft Moves the Game Industry Forward

    The international game development studio and ITMO University have maintained a partnership for several years now. But in 2021, their relationship advanced to the next level when Sperasoft became an official corporate partner of the Game Development Technologies Master’s program. Now, the company’s experts will take direct part in the creation of the program’s curriculum. We talked to Igor Smirnov, a senior engineering manager at Sperasoft, and Andrey Karsakov, the head of the Master’s program, about the new partnership and how ITMO students and graduates can apply for an internship at Sperasoft.


  • Why Supporting Women in Science and Business Is Important and How to Do It Right

    Last week, ITMO University hosted a discussion on the role of women in academia and business, held in collaboration with Cartier. The event’s subject matched that of the brand’s prominent initiative that has supported female entrepreneurs around the world for the past 15 years.
