Search by tag «Celebration» 18 results

  • This Week in St. Petersburg: May 30 - June 5, 2024

    We’re back to tell you what’s going on in St. Petersburg: this week, we’re touring local museums, enjoying a marine “waltz,” and playing board games to our heart's content. Keep reading to find out what else this week holds for you.


  • 4 Things To Do on Your Birthday in St. Petersburg

    Planning your birthday is no longer a headache – all thanks to our team’s curated list of the most fabulous places for every kind of celebration. Take your pick below!


  • Our Post-Exam Party Playlist

    Oh, that magical feeling of passing all exams and anticipation of all the free days ahead… To help you get the most out of it, today we are sharing our favorite tunes for celebrating wins and successes. Let’s throw the biggest dancing party of all time!


  • ITMO.GO 2023: First-Year Students Share Why They Chose ITMO

    Last Saturday, September 2, around 2,000 new members of ITMO.Family gathered in front of the Baltic House Festival Theater for ITMO.GO, the major celebration for first-year students at ITMO, to meet each other and get to know all about their university. ITMO.NEWS talked to the newcomers to learn more about their dreams and expectations for student life.


  • 5 Surprising Facts About Russian New Year

    What’s Old New Year? Who is Kysh Babay? And why won’t a new year come unless Zhenya and his friends go to the banya? Find all the answers below.


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: November 4-6, 2022

    The upcoming weekend isn’t only about a celebration of Unity Day and the much-awaited three days of rest but also a full lineup of events ranging from photo and digital exhibitions to movie nights and all kinds of festivals, including a party for your belly.


  • Have Yourself a Vegan Russian New Year

    If you’re worried you can’t have a complete Russian New Year experience as a vegan, we are here to prove you wrong. Here is our handy guide on how to greet 2022 (or any year) plant-based and happy. Enjoy! 


  • New Year in Russia: All You Need to Know

    The holidays are approaching faster than ever before, and it’s high time to review all the relevant traditions, superstitions, and lifehacks to have your best New Year’s in Russia. So suit up and let’s go!


  • How Indian Students Celebrate the Holidays of Dussehra and Diwali

    India is known as the land of festivals and fairs. The month of October, in particular, is the most exciting time of the year. The air is filled with happiness, laughter, and the smell of delicious street food. The major festivals celebrated during this time are Navaratri/Dussehra/Durga Puja and Diwali. I caught up with a few international students from India at ITMO to find out how they plan to celebrate these holidays in St. Petersburg, and also share some of my own experiences.


  • ITMO's 121st Anniversary: Quizzes, Tours, and Lots of Gifts

    ITMO University marked its 121st anniversary with a five-day celebration on March 22-26. The events took place at campuses on Kronverksky Pr. 49 and Lomonosova St. 9, as well as on ITMO’s official VK and Facebook pages.
