Search by tag «Course» 12 results

  • ITMO Prepares St. Petersburg School Students for Physics and Computer Science Contests

    ITMO and Talent Academy, a St. Petersburg-based educational institute, have recently organized an intensive course to assist the city's school students as they prepare for competitions in physics and computer science. Among the course’s experts were ITMO lecturers and winners of previous years, while the program included a detailed breakdown of the tasks, as well as popular science talks and workshops. Participation was free for all; students had to pass an in-person test to secure their place in one of the course’s two tracks.


  • ITMO & Yandex Education Launch Free Intensive Course in IT for Students

    A two-week intensive study camp in industrial software development will be held in St. Petersburg from June 24 to July 6. At lectures delivered by experts from ITMO and Yandex Education, participants will delve into the architecture and infrastructure of highload systems, information security, and DevOps. Each participant will work on tasks tailored to their level and receive a certificate of completion upon successfully solving the final case. Applications are accepted until May 1. 


  • “Life in Science” Online Soft Skills Course Helps You Succeed in Science

    Almost a thousand Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students from ITMO University have participated in the online soft skills course “Life in Science: A Guide for Young Researchers”. Learn more about the course from its authors in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • Oncologist Maksim Kotov: Communicating With a Patient Shouldn’t Be a Game of Luck

    ITMO University is currently hosting a course on effective communication with patients. The workshops for Master’s students in the field of Science Communication are delivered by oncologist Maksim Kotov. In his classes, he explains to students how misunderstandings between doctors and patients impact the quality of medicine and the public’s attitude towards it. The course is also aimed at helping the students develop an understanding of how to build the right kind of dialogue between the medical community and the public. ITMO.NEWS spoke to Maksim to learn more. 


  • Smart Urban Environment: ITMO University Holds First Professional Development Course for Staff of Sevastopol State University

    Aiming to help the participants develop an understanding of the development of the smart city concept in Sevastopol, the course emerged as a result of a cooperation and partnership agreement between the two universities. Forming the basis of the course were the results achieved as part of ITMO’s National Center for Cognitive Technologies priority project “Metacognitive technologies for the management of smart city services”. 


  • Academy of Talents: ITMO’s Specialists from Institute of Design & Urban Studies Host Lectures for School Students

    St. Petersburg’s Academy of Talents has hosted Live City, a specialized educational program on urban science and design for school students. Participating as experts of the projects were the staff of ITMO University’s Institute of Design & Urban Studies. The specialists contributed with a series of introductory lectures and held interactive workshops. This should help the 9-to-11-graders to find a relevant topic for team research work that they could then present at the national competition of scientific and technological projects “Big Challenges” in the track “Smart City”.


  • Startup Boom: SumIT Summer School at ITMO University

    For the third time in a row, ITMO University’s Entrepreneurship Center organizes the SumIT international summer startup school. This year, SumIT is held as part of the StartUp Connect cross-border cooperation program. That’s why the program was, first and foremost, aimed at students from ITMO University and Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK University), Finland. Also participating are students from Finland, China and Bangladesh, as well as experts from the Entrepreneurship Center and businesspeople.


  • Summer School in Finland: Accessible Design and Technologies

    The 29th annual summer school has wrapped at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, featuring courses in natural sciences, maths and informatics. One of the school’s most important focuses was Accessible Design, a field developing the methods and techniques that pave the way for inclusive technologies not only in regard to accessible urban spaces but also usable mobile app design and a wide range of other aspects. The course “Inclusive and Accessible Design of ICT: Foundational Introduction to Creating Technology for Humans with Diverse Sensory, Cognitive and Physical Abilities” was, inter alia, attended by the representatives of ITMO University, who related their Finnish experience to ITMO.NEWS.


  • Augmented Reality Course at Oxford Brookes: Participants Share

    Virtual, augmented and mixed reality are among today’s most promising technologies. Despite the growing popularity, one can get a free introduction to this field at one of the world’s best universities, Oxford Brookes. Yulia Trushina and Alena Jigalova, ITMO Master’s students from the Multimedia Technologies, Design and Usability program, who recently participated in this educational course, share their experience.


  • Professor Sergei Tihodeev on Soviet Science and Collaboration with ITMO University

    ITMO University continues to invite established lecturers from different universities. Sergei Tihodeev is a lecturer from Lomonosov Moscow State University who is renowned for his research in the field of electrodynamics and nonlinear optics. During a course that ended last week, Mr. Tihodeev told the students about an effective method for solving Maxwell's equations. ITMO.NEWS asked the professor about the possible applications of his research, the achievements of ITMO's Faculty of Physics and Engineering and further collaboration plans.
