Search by tag «Demo Day» 11 results
ITMO Accelerator 2025 Recap: Media Investments and New Partners
Twice a year, ITMO Accelerator runs a three-month course for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to learn more about business strategies and marketing, finalize their products with mentors, build their own business strategy, and find investors for their startups. The best teams in the program pitch their projects at Demo Day. Here's a quick look at how ITMO Accelerator 2025 went and which startup ideas were ranked best.
New Opportunities at ITMO Accelerator: 400,000-ruble Grants and More Partners
ITMO Accelerator helps young entrepreneurs develop their projects from ideas to first revenue through courses on business strategy and marketing, mentorship, and opportunities to communicate with potential investors. This year, the Accelerator expanded its partner network, adding Uralsib, Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, Gazprom Neft, and Netology. Thanks to these partners, participating projects can be reviewed by major players on the market, as well as get a chance for financial support.
AI Beauty Advisor, Text Encryptor, and Noise-Canceling Materials: Results of the Latest Demo Day at ITMO Accelerator
Twice a year, around 60 student teams pitch their ideas at Demo Day after taking a three-month training course at ITMO Accelerator. For the second year running, the creators of the best startups are granted a 400,000-ruble grant and a free subscription to Yandex services from Yandex Cloud Boost. See below which projects won this year.
Yandex Cloud Boost Approved: Top Projects of ITMO Accelerator Demo Day 2023
Every year, around 50 projects go through the ITMO Accelerator before presenting their results at Demo Day. From last year on, the creators of the best projects receive a 400,000-ruble grant and a free subscription to Yandex services from Yandex Cloud Boost. More on this year’s winners below.
Top Projects of ITMO’s First FoodTech Accelerator
In 2022, ITMO launched its first accelerator for foodtech projects, where participants learned to manage teams, choose the most appropriate markets for their products, and attract investments. Read on to learn more about the projects that went through to the final and were presented in front of experts.
Results of Latest Demo Day at ITMO Accelerator
Another season has come to a close at ITMO Accelerator. Over the course of three months, students of various Russian universities learned how to launch and grow their startup. During the final Demo Day, they presented their ideas to an expert jury. ITMO.NEWS reports on the top five projects.
ITMO Accelerator Demo Day: Top Startup Projects From Virtual Fitting Rooms to Sharing Parking Places
As another season at ITMO Accelerator came to an end, the finalists of the program presented their startup projects and plans for their development to an expert board.
Esports, Mental Health, and AR: Demo Day at Joint ITMO and MTS Accelerator
On July 24, residents of the ITMO Accelerator joined the program's Demo Day. Over the course of three months, 45 startups worked on their projects under the guidance of experienced mentors, and only 25 made it to the finals. They all took part in Demo Day, presenting short pitches before members of the jury and potential investors.
Digitalization of Construction, Helping Dyslexic Kids and an Online Training Bot: The Graduates of ITMO’s Pre-Accelerator
ITMO University’s Pre-Accelerator program ended recently. Participants went from an idea to an actual business project over four months of work. The twenty best teams presented their products at the open Demo Day. The jury members – experts and business representatives – evaluated the projects in terms of thoroughness and potential and chose the top three projects. In this article we’ll talk about the results of the program and the best projects.
Future Technologies Program: Teams Present Projects at Demo Day
On September 21, as part of the St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum (SPIIF), a Demo Day was held for ITMO Business Incubator’s acceleration program Future Technoogies. Ten teams presented their ideas to the expert jury, special guests and visitors. Over the course of five months, the projects have gone through many stages, from initial prototypes to final products, and acquired market introduction strategies. Visitors of the Forum could learn more about ITMO University’s technological projects at a special exhibition.