Search by tag «PI School» 13 results

  • Samolet CEO Andrey Ivanenko Shares His 8 Steps to Innovations

    Samolet is one of the biggest construction companies in Russia, currently the first in the country in terms of construction volume. Recently, the company has also started producing its own IT solutions for real estate. Why does a construction company need neural networks, what makes the company a tech leader, and how do they introduce innovations into a project? These topics were covered in the lecture by Andrey Ivanenko, the CEO of the company, held as part of ITMO’s PI School for future research leaders. Here are the takeaways.


  • Summit the Peak: Skolkovo’s Andrey Volkov on Parallels Between Team Management and Mountain Climbing

    Team management in business is not unlike climbing a mountain: there is a group of professionals who have to constantly make decisions – planning their route, sharing resources, and acting in challenging weather conditions. Any mistake can be fatal. How can you avoid this outcome, why is it crucial to understand each other, and how can you learn to do it? Look for answers to these questions in our keynotes from the PI School’s lecture of Andrey Volkov, the head of the Social Strategies Institute at Skolkovo, the scientific supervisor of Priority 2030 program, and a mountaineer with 40 years of experience.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #57

    Things are heating up and we don’t just mean the weather! We’ve always got something to share when it comes to our regular digest of all things science, but this time around it’s a particularly rich harvest. New materials, medical tech of the future, educational innovations, thought-provoking science art, and the best AI tools for every craft – all in our latest science roundup.


  • PI School: Rising Stars – First-Hand Experience

    For several years now, ITMO has organized its PI School in spring, welcoming everyone who wishes to expand their academic horizons and is thinking about managing their own research team one day. This year, I was one of them, actively battling my imposter syndrome, as well as networking and soaking in all the knowledge. Here’s my insider’s take on what it feels like to train to be a PI.


  • PI School Welcomes Young Scientists From All Over Russia

    The PI School, organized by ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School and SCAMT Institute with the support of Tatneft, took place on June 18-25, bringing together more than 40 researchers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, and other Russian cities.


  • Principal Rising Star: ITMO’s School for Aspiring Principal Investigators

    ITMO opens applications to the second PI School for rising stars – it is set to start on May 18. Same as last year, experts from the fields of education, research, and business will share their insights with participating Master’s and PhD students and postdocs. Among the topics are building a career in science, conducting breakthrough research, and collaborating with industrial partners. Read on to learn more about the school.


  • Academic Corporations, Not Universities: Skolkovo Institute Head Andrey Volkov on the Future of Universities and PIs in Russia

    A series of open lectures was held as part of ITMO PI School: Rising Stars on May 18-19. The event brought together leading experts from the Skolkovo Innovation Center, academia representatives, and ITMO research leaders to discuss which specialists universities need and how Russian science and education sectors are transforming in general. One of the speakers was Andrey Volkov, the head of Skolkovo’s Public Strategy Institute, a professor at the Moscow School of Management, and a supervisor of Project 5-100 and the Priority 2030 program, who spoke about how the transformation started, how universities are changing today, and why they should evolve into academic corporations instead.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #5

    We’re back again with the key science news from the past couple weeks. This time, we’ve got: a rankings success, insights into the art of science communication, exciting nanoscience research, and summer schools for fledgling scientists.


  • Carve Your Path in Science: ITMO to Host PI School for Rising Stars

    Within the scope of several days, participants of ITMO PI School: Rising Stars will turn into leaders of research, technological, educational, and engineering projects that will make the core of the university’s transformation into its 2030 vision. Here’s all you need to know about the school’s program and application process. 


  • ITMO University to Host Second PI School by SCAMT

    ITMO’s SCAMT Institute will once again hold a summer school for young scholars who want to found and develop their own laboratories. This year, the event is organized in partnership with the Russian-based oil and gas company Tatneft. Future PIs and experts will gather at the company’s corporate university in Almetyevsk to discuss how to start a career in science and where to find academic and industry partners. Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming event.
