Search by tag «apps» 3 results

  • Online Tools To Create a Perfect CV

    Having a visually appealing CV is a big advantage on the job market: it increases your chances of being invited to an interview by 65%. The Career Services Center of ITMO University made a list of the best CV builders to help you land a job of your dreams.


  • Top 5 Apps for Time Management

    How to organize your daily activities without forgetting anything or getting exhausted? That’s what planning apps are for! ITMO University’s Career Services Center made a compilation of five useful tools that will help you stay productive.


  • Using Mobile Devices for Everyday Productivity

    Summer’s over and everyone’s back to their studies, research and work. Depending on whether most of your activities are held online, hybrid or in-person, the sudden influx of new information and deadlines can range from jarring to overwhelming. Since we’re all connected to our mobile devices throughout the day, making the most of them is a great way to focus on what’s important.
