The ranking is based on the performance of students and lecturers in the foundation's educational programs. Among the 12 criteria comprising the final evaluation are the number of participants and winners of the scholarship competition, the average scores of the university and its lecturers at various stages, and the absence of plagiarism in applications.

In 2024, ITMO improved on last year’s results, scoring 5.17 points and climbing to second place from third. St. Petersburg State University came first (5.38 points), while Higher School of Economics landed in third place (5.17 points). In the general ranking based on average results of 2022-2024, ITMO came third; the university also took second place in the ranking of universities whose Master’s programs attract talented Bachelor’s graduates of other universities. 

ITMO places among the ranking’s top performers for the fourth year in a row. In the 2023-2024 academic year, 68 ITMO students were among the winners of the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program. These students represented innovation studies (25 winners), biotechnologies (6 winners), and technical physics (6 winners) among other fields.

Last season, a total of 750 winners from 72 universities earned their right to receive a 25,000-ruble scholarship until their graduation.

The goal of the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program is to support the most active and talented students of Russian universities, forming a community of creative professionals ready to pool their efforts in addressing complex social issues.

Since 2000, over 30,000 students have become recipients of the foundation’s scholarships; 5,350 of them – after the competition’s latest transformation in the 2013/2014 academic year. In 10 years, the monthly scholarship payout increased from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles, with the total scholarship fund surpassing 1 billion rubles.