
  1. Start! With ITMO

  2. Available programs

  3. How to apply

  4. Key dates

  5. Staying up to date

Start! With ITMO

Start! With ITMO is the slogan of the 2024 admissions campaign, which is inspired by the successes of ITMO graduates who have worked their way up from applicants to CEOs and from students to scientists featured in high-impact journals. 

One example is Ilya Chekh – the founder of Motorika, a manufacturer of multi-functional bionic prostheses, which increased its revenue by 2.5 times (up to $1 million) in 2018 and is now expanding nationally and globally. Another ITMO graduate, Elena Konstantinova, founded the agrotech startup AEROSPACE-AGRO at the age of 19. The company has already solved over 20 cases for agroholdings, and the project’s founder was named one of the winners of Forbes Russia’s 30 Under 30 ranking in 2023. 

This year, prospective students can pre-navigate their student life at ITMO with a new website (link in Russian) that will help them shape their individual learning paths based on their goals and desired outcomes. The guide selects educational programs and opportunities offered by the university that will suit applicants best. It should be useful not just for those applying in the current year, but also any school students interested in learning about their future alma mater.

For parents of future ITMO students, ITMO and Sberbank have launched an online project (link in Russian) featuring FAQs about admissions in Russia. The guides will be helpful to this year’s applicants, as well as those who are to choose their future career and university. 

Available programs

Bachelor’s programs. This year, ITMO University offers 27 Bachelor’s programs in six subject areas: information technologies, physics, life sciences, engineering, economics and innovations, and interdisciplinary studies. 

Among the new programs are Digital Urban Studies, AI Engineering (in collaboration with VK), and AI360: ML Native (the first-ever Bachelor’s program in Russia for AI developers in partnership with Sberbank, Yandex, and top Russian universities). 

The university’s corporate partners also include Nexign, BIOCAD, and Yadro, experts of which deliver lectures and workshops, as well as offer internships and scholarship programs for ITMO students.

In 2024, ITMO University offers a total of 1,384 tuition-free positions for Bachelor’s students– the list now includes programs Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Infochemistry, and AI Engineering

Learn more about ITMO’s Bachelor’s programs here

The admissions office at ITMO University. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

The admissions office at ITMO University. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

Master’s programs. Applicants have a choice of 81 Master’s programs in 13 subject areas: programming, AI, information security, robotics, physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnologies, ecology, engineering sciences, energy, economics and innovations, and humanities. 

A majority of the university’s programs are run in collaboration with major companies: Software Engineering (with Gazprom Neft), Highload Systems (with Yandex), Web Scale Systems (with VK), Artificial Intelligence (with Napoleon IT), Tools for Software Development and Analysis (with Yadro), and many others. 

The number of online programs grew, as well; now, there are 11 such programs to choose from. 

2,679 tuition-free positions are available for prospective Master’s students this year. 

Learn more about ITMO’s Master’s programs here

PhD programs. Future academics can choose from 54 specializations in 17 subject areas, including natural, technical, agricultural, and social sciences, as well as humanities. There are 273 tuition-fee positions, in addition to fee-based ones. 

More information about the cost of studies and number of positions here.

The admissions office at ITMO University. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

The admissions office at ITMO University. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

How to apply

Documents can be submitted via: 

Applicants need to provide original copies of their documents before enrollment.

NB! Check out our step-by-step application guides for Bachelor's and Master's programs for international applicants.

The admissions office at ITMO University. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

The admissions office at ITMO University. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

Key dates

Bachelor’s programs. Applications to Bachelor’s programs end on July 10 (for those applying via the internal exams) and July 22 (for those applying via Unified State Exam (USE) results or competitions). Applications for fee-based positions are accepted until August 21.

The list of enrolled students will be available on July 27. Some universities, ITMO University included, maintain lists of students most likely to be admitted, which are published no later than July 27. 

Applicants who enroll via contest results or target-quota for tuition-free positions need to submit their documents by July 28; those applying via USE scores have until August 3 to apply.

Admissions orders will be published on July 30 (for those who applied based on their competition results), on August 5 (for those who applied based on their USE scores), and on August 25 (for those who applied for fee-based positions). 

NB! Admission deadlines may vary for international students. You can find relevant information here

Master’s programs. The application deadline for tuition-free positions is August 4. 

Applications to tuition-free positions close on August 5 for those applying via competition results or target-quota and on August 12 for those applying based on their USE score, state exam results, or a letter of recommendation from the head of their educational programs. Applications to fee-based positions will be accepted until August 25. 

The final day of entrance exams is August 2. 

Admission orders will be available on August 6 (first priority) and August 13. 

NB! Admission deadlines may vary for international students. You can find relevant information here and here

PhD programs. Admissions to the PhD programs close on August 2. The final day of entrance exams is August 16. Admission orders will be published on August 21. Documents are accepted until August 26. 

The admissions office at ITMO University. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

The admissions office at ITMO University. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

Staying up to date

All information about educational programs, admissions, and exam schedules is available on ITMO University’s official admissions website. You may also visit our international studies website to learn more about admissions, enrollment opportunities, and more. Here are some of the accounts you may find useful, as well: Bachelor’s admissions (VK and Telegram), Master’s admissions (VK and Telegram), as well as ITMO’s official VK page and Telegram channel in Russian and our international VK and Telegram pages.