While announcing the results of their activities over the past year and outlining their plans for the next one, the heads of the research centers paid particular attention to the applied solutions that they plan to implement jointly with their industrial partners. One of such projects is ITMO’s AI-based system meant to help plan the development of oil and gas deposits.
“Our center uses AI solutions to perform the creative tasks usually reserved for such industrial specialists as engineers, technologists, and various managers. This is especially handy when there is a lack of time and data and our decisions will inevitably have long-term consequences: for instance, when launching a new facility or modifying existing ones. Together with Gasprom Neft, our center is designing a comprehensive smart system that helps design facilities based on engineering experience and generative technologies. This technology will improve the efficiency of such planning by a third and reduce the labor costs by 16-20 times, as there will be no need to coordinate all work processes manually,” says Alexander Boukhanovsky, a supervisor at ITMO’s Research Center “Strong AI in Industry.”
A working group chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko that brought together heads of federal authorities as well as representatives of business, scientific, and expert organizations, praised the centers’ results and approved their further projects and plans.
“Supporting research centers is an essential task of the federal project, as it makes it possible to lay the scientific groundwork for breakthrough digital solutions in Russia,” says Rustam Tikhonov, the Director of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economic Development.
“It’s good to know that our grant winners already have ready-to-use solutions even though it’s only been six months since they were chosen to participate in the project,” notes Dmitry Chernyshenko
The Prime Minister also stressed that the centers’ home organizations are already implementing Bachelor’s and Master’s programs that were developed as part of the federal project. For instance, ITMO’s Master’s program in industrial AI will welcome its first students in the new academic year. It will train sought-after specialists who can design, develop, and implement AI-based solutions in various industries.
ITMO.NEWS editorial team, based on information provided by TASS and the Ministry of Economic Development.