
Lately, not a week goes by without news of yet another AI-powered scientific breakthrough achieved by the researchers from ITMO’s numerous labs. Thus, a team from the ChemBio Cluster has recently unveiled its new nanoparticle-screening platform.

Designed for medical and agricultural applications, the model is especially useful in combating antibiotic resistance – the idea being that nanoparticles of various metal oxides could prove an effective replacement for these medical products. By quickly assessing the parameters of particles, the program should accelerate the production of these newfound solutions.

Read more: ITMO Scientists Produce Novel AI-Powered Platform To Fight Antibiotic Resistance


Staying on the topic of nanoparticles: bright minds from the Faculty of Physics are doing their part in the fight against melanoma. Their latest publication in Nanophotonics describes the promising results of in vitro experiments involving the use of gold nanoparticles to eliminate tumor tissue.

One of the effective therapy methods for this type of cancer is hyperthermia – or, simply put, heating. The trick, however, is in maintaining the right temperature at every stage. The multifunctional nanomaterial serves two functions: it heats up the tumor in order to dismantle its protein structure while measuring its temperature at the same time.

Read more: ITMO Physicists Develop Multifunctional Material for Thermal Melanoma Therapy


Chaos theory! We’ve all heard of it, but what do we really know about it? This is your chance to find out for sure: just pore through our quick breakdown. Together with ITMO’s physics experts, we delve into this fascinating discipline to find out what it is, how it helps bring order into our lives, and what scientists at ITMO are doing to learn more about it.

Read more: Good Chaos: How Chaos Theory Helps Scientists and Everyone Else

Read also: 

Quantum Computers, Dark Matter, and New Materials: Latest from Theoretical Physics

A Novel Atom-Twisting Method Proposed by ITMO Researchers


The AI business is booming – that’s not news to anybody. And as the industry grows, so does the demand for well-trained specialists who will wrangle the technology. Now, ITMO and the AI developer Raft are launching a joint lab to teach students about machine learning, algorithms, and more, with a focus on the importance of cybersecurity and ethics. The initiative is intended to fill a knowledge gap that currently exists in the Russian-speaking realm of AI security.

Read more: ITMO Opens Lab to Train AI Infosecurity Experts

Read also:

AI for the Classroom: Tips and Tools


Have you heard of the Siberian Ring Photon Source? No, it’s not the latest hit indie band. The SKIF, as it’s also known, is a synchrotron facility near Novosibirsk that should provide scientists with access to an X-ray generator of unprecedented power – and ITMO is among the first partners of the project. The collective-use facility will become available to researchers from around the world by the end of the year.

Read more: ITMO Joins Interuniversity Consortium for Siberian Ring Photon Source