6. Summer School at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deadline: 1 April 2018
Where: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
When: 30 June to 11 August 2018
Scholarship: tuition fees and accommodation covered
An extended summer program for Bachelor’s and Master’s students is being offered by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Students can participate in three sessions of 2-week courses which will be held from 30 June to 11 August. There are dozens of courses on offer, including ones on big data, programming, artificial intelligence for a healthy life, information security and others. You can see a list of courses here.
The organizers offer courses for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students, as well as for lecturers. Courses will be offered in English (however you don’t need to provide a certificate proving your English level).
You can try to apply for one of the ten scholarships which cover the tuition fees of one two-week course and accommodation. An important condition is that, in order to apply for a scholarship, you must have a Grade Point Average of at least 80% of the highest possible mark. Equivalent grades from different education systems are taken into account.
To receive a scholarship, you should apply for a specific course and provide a motivation essay, academic transcript, and a recommendation letter from someone who isn’t a family member or a friend (e.g. a professor, mentor or employer). Results will be announced in mid-April.
More information here; you can also direct further questions to amsterdamsummerschool@vu.nl.

7. Summer School in the UK with a scholarship
Deadline: 1 April 2018
Where: London, UK
When: 2 – 20 July 2018, 23 July – 10 August 2018
Scholarship: 1500£
Here's your chance to spend this summer studying in London. Summer schools at King's College London provide courses in the fields of medicine, science, mathematics, engineering, business, management, law and culture.
The main requirements for participation are excellent academic performance and strong motivation. Organizers offer students eight scholarships that cover the cost of tuition.
Both UK citizens and international students are eligible for the scholarships. All scholarship applicants must apply to their program of choice and should meet all the requirements. Candidates who have been selected will be informed by 15 April 2017.
More about the summer school and how to apply here.
8. International Scientific Summer School in Artificial Intelligence in Czech Republic
Where: Prague and Brno, Czech Republic
When: 5 August 2018 — 11 August 2018
Cost: 150 €
Learn more about artificial intelligence and Czech culture this August at the International summer school in Prague and Brno. The organizers are the European non-commercial organization MILSET Europe, which offers an excellent program that includes lectures and seminars on artificial intelligence, roundtables, group and individual projects in robotics and much more.
Also on the schedule: visits to research centers and laboratories of Czech Republic and a tour of the Ondřejov Astronomical Observatory.
More details are here or you can write to issc2018@milset.org
9. Summer Intensive Course “Mechatronics Applications in Biomedical Engineering”
Where: Ostrava, Czech Republic
When: 9 July - 13 July 2018
Cost: 300 €

Another summer intensive will be held in early July in Ostrava Technical University which is also located in the Czech Republic. These classes are ideal for students and professionals who are interested in the application of mechatronics systems in biomedicine.
Mechatronics is the field of science and technology based on a system combining the components of fine mechanics, sensors that check the state of the environment and the object itself, energy sources, actuators, amplifiers and computing devices. In recent years, mechatronic systems are becoming more widespread, including in medical technology. Today, the development of such key areas of medical mechatronics, like developing a system for rehabilitating handicapped, exoskeleton, medical and service robots, implementation of service operations, engaged in world’s leading corporations.
Throughout the five-day intensive course in Ostrava Technical University, students will learn about the latest achievements in biomechanics and new types of surgical intervention tools. Studies will take on a multidisciplinary approach and include lectures from experts in mechanics and biomedical engineering.
As part of the summer school, students will be able to present their own projects in the field of biomechanics, biomechatronics and biomedical engineering. More information about the course here.
10. Summer School “Cyber Physical Systems” in France
Where: Toulouse, France
When: 16 July - 20 July 2018
Cost: €200 for students (€250 — for university employees)
The school is designed for Master’s students and current researchers and engineers. The main issues that will be covered in the short intensive are basic areas of cyber-physical systems with an emphasis on the development of the industrial Internet of things. More details on this page.
Cover Photo Credit: blogs.umb.edu