The idea
Due to the drastic changes in human lifestyle that occurred in the 21st century and the pandemic in particular, food industry experts started to work on specialized and functional food products enriched with vitamins and micro- and macroelements that help improve the quality and longevity of life. Biologically active substances are one of the promising tools in the creation of such products. Many scientists study the potential of plant-based biologically active substances, including them being an alternative to antibiotics.
ITMO’s FoodTech specialists work on products with unique properties that combine the advantages of probiotic microorganisms and bioactive substances with adaptogenic properties of plants growing in Russia. The name of their project is Application of Adaptogenic Plant-Based Bioactive Substances’ Potential for the Development of New Functional Food Products with a Probiotic Effect for Active Longevity and Health.

Lecturers, professors, and PhD students, who have worked together in food biotech, joined the project's team. On the picture: Natalia Yakovchenko and Olga Morozova, project team members. Credit: Dmitry Grigoryev, ITMO.NEWS
What bioactive substances are
Biologically active substances are chemical substances that can be found in plant- and animal-based materials in small doses. Even in low concentrations, they can improve human health. Once they enter the body, they distribute and interact with molecular targets – separate or grouped molecules. This causes a reaction and changes the course of biochemical processes these molecules are responsible for.
Substances with adaptogenic properties are used for the prevention of diseases in healthy people or those who are in the risk group. The latter category includes people with a predisposition to asthenia (a condition that doesn’t allow a person to work over long periods of time), low immunity, bad habits, or chronic diseases. The combination of these factors creates a vicious circle: diseases of nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems lower your productivity, while intense and lengthy work leads to fatigue and doesn’t allow the body to rest.
With the help of adaptogens, one can accelerate the process of adaptation to an unfriendly environment, enhance stamina, coordination, and concentration, as well as make the acquisition of new professional skills easier. Thanks to adaptogens, oxidative and metabolic processes accelerate, muscles spend less energy, and the nervous system regenerates better.
At the same time, plants are the best source of bioactive substances, including adaptogenic ones. They grow just about everywhere and are easier to cultivate and process, plus the range of their species is more diverse compared to animals.

Olga Morozova working in the lab. Credit: Dmitry Grigoryev, ITMO.NEWS
Usage in production
The modern lifestyle, as well as viral and bacterial threats, lead to socially significant diseases, low immunity, and problems with qualitative and quantitative properties of the gut flora. The latter is necessary for the formation of immunity and fighting “bad” microorganisms. Changes in it can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as type two diabetes, obesity, colon cancer, and infections caused by Clostridium difficile.
For their project, researchers from ITMO University chose to use probiotic lactic bacteria (Lactobacillus) and bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium), as they help maintain the balance of the gut flora. They’re also often applied in dairy products.
The project aims to create a unique plant-based basis for food products. Given that bioactive substances can affect bacteria negatively, the scientists need to find the best possible conditions for the growth and functioning of probiotic microorganisms in the presence of active substances, for example, by adding additional components. If this strategy doesn’t prove to be the best one, the bacteria can also be stored in capsules to keep them safe during production and storage.

ITMO's FoodTech lab. Credit: Dmitry Grigoryev, ITMO.NEWS
Future plans
The team members already have experience in research related to plant-based functional food products and fermented products with probiotic qualities. This allowed them to choose the raw material for research – plants growing in Russia – and now they have to choose a way and a mode of extraction that will make it possible to extract and store bioactive substances using green technologies.
Then they will have to adapt the chosen probiotic microorganisms to new conditions and study what kind of biologically active metabolites (end products of metabolism) they produce. As a result, the researchers will develop the list of ingredients and the technology for the production of plant-based fermented drinks and ice cream that will provide a probiotic and adaptogenic effect if consumed on a regular basis. They also plan to prepare normative and technical documentation and implement their products at food industry facilities.