Search by tag «Festival» 93 results

  • Find Your Piece in the St. Petersburg City Day Puzzle

    Tomorrow, on May 27th, it's the City Day - our Northern Capital turns 314! Each year, St. Petersburg’s citizens and guests participate in the citywide celebration, which involves all kinds of attractions and events. In fact, there are so many of them that it can be hard to just make your choice! We’ve decided to mention some of the events we liked, so choose your piece of the St. Petersburg City Day puzzle, and prepare for an unforgettable experience.


  • ITMO.START — the Academic Festival for School Students at ITMO University

    ITMO University opened its research laboratories and student workshops for school students. The children participated in science shows and learned of the opportunities the university offers. Many decided to join courses at ITMO after the festival.


  • "World of Knowledge" - The Best Science-Popular Films of the XI International Film Festival

    The XI International Festival of science-popular and educational films has just finished in Saint Petersburg. 23 films have been chosen for it — films about searching, discovering and inventing.
