Search by tag «Business» 105 results

  • Manage! Cup Semifinals: Participants Share

    Just imagine that you get to manage a company, and all of its management has just been dismissed? You only have the enterprise's financial data, and you have to choose the optimal strategy that will enhance its investment appeal. What’s more, you only have a day to solve this task, and you don’t know anyone on the team you’ll be working with! These are the kinds of tasks that the participants of the Manage! cup, a countrywide management tournament for students, have to solve. The cup’s semifinals have just taken place in St. Petersburg; the 30 best teams were chosen to participate in the finals in Moscow on March 11-12. The tournament’s winners will be offered internships at the country's leading companies,  as well as the opportunity to participate in Global Management Challenge - a national business management championship.


  • How to Start Your Own Business: Advice from Experts

    ITMO University just hosted an expert session for hardware, high-tech and IT projects of the Future Technologies accelerator. This year, a record-breaking amount of participants made it to the final selection - 25 teams in total. Up until March, they’ll be finalizing their technologies, choosing and testing business models, studying their target audiences and making their first sales. Recently, the novice entrepreneurs’ projects were assessed by experts - founders and CEO’s of companies, specialists on growing markets, the financial sector and marketing. In an interview for ITMO.NEWS, they’ve shared about why most startups face common problems, the usual mistakes novice startupers face, and what there is to expect from 2018 in terms of promising technologies.


  • ITMO University Partners Up With TRA Robotics

    In mid-October, a project by Ivan Borisov, Oleg Borisov, Vladislav Gromov and under the supervision of Sergei Kolubin won the pitch session of Robotics & AI program which took place at Moscow’s Phystechpark as part of the annual GoTech forum. The PhD students presented a multipurpose gripping unit that remedies the key weaknesses ofexisting industrial robots and bested 80 other applicants with it. The British company TRA Robotics, a partner of the forum, got interested in the project and entered an agreement on a pilot project with ITMO University. Recently, the company and the university entered a new, long-term collaboration agreement.


  • Dave Vasquez: We Need To Start Teaching Entrepreneurship Back In School

    Sixteen years ago, Dave Vasquez first came to Russia from Columbia to study Russian language and literature. Since then, he has succeeded in launching several independent projects, participated in accelerators in Moscow and St. Petersburg, graduated from a Master's program in Barcelona and worked some time with American startups. Now, Dave is living in St. Petersburg and helps novice entrepreneurs develop their businesses. In an interview for ITMO.NEWS, he shared about what you should know before starting a business, how to build a startup ecosystem in such a big country as Russia and why it's best to teach entrepreneurship starting with children at elementary school.


  • ITMO Ranks High for International Collaboration in Management Education

    According to the “Ranking of Global Business Schools in Russia and CIS Countries”, prepared by the analytics center “Expert”, ITMO University is one of the top ten universities ranked by publication activity in the field of management. The university is also said to be the leader in its field-weighted citation impact (FWCI) index and the level of international scientific partnership in its subject area. ITMO University’s position in the ranking was calculated according to data on ITMO’s Institute of International Business and Law and the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations.


  • ITMO's Institute of Cyber Technologies for Financial Systems Signs Collaboration Agreement With Otkritie Bank

    ​As part of the new collaboration, the bank's staff members will take part in training the students who've enrolled on ITMO's two new Master's programs - Mathematical Support and Software for Global Financial Systems and Big Data in Financial Technologies, and will also provide the university’s Master's students and lecturers with the opportunity to work on real business tasks in the field of financial technologies and banking.


  • “Digital Talents”: How a New Generation of Specialists Changes the Way Companies Work

    More than 20 years ago Nicholas Negroponte, a computer scientist and founder of MIT’s Media Lab, was among the first to use the term “digital economy”. Today these words are often said by politicians, scientists and entrepreneurs. In near future, systematic development of digital economy could make data the new oil, says the Russian Ministry of Communications. But how soon will that occur and what measures need to be taken already? During a recent lecture at the Week of Information Society Technologies 2017, Semyon Schetinin, head of the Russian office of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), spoke about the effect of digital technology on traditional economics, who “digital talents” are and why authoritarian management style will not fare well in modern companies.


  • A Million Dollars for VeeRoute

    VeeRoute company, a resident of ITMO’s Business Incubator, has managed to attract over a million dollars from a venture fund of Bank Saint Petersburg and a consortium of business angels. 


  • “YellowRockets:” How Russian Startupers Enter Global Markets

    In 2014, YellowRockets  (the previous name StartupSamara) was a small community with rare meetings – now it is a large accelerator, which already attracted over 600 million rub for startups and entered different international markets. According to the accelerator’s head Sergei Bogdanov, its main achievement is that more and more young entrepreneurs are interested in this activity. 


  • From Idea to Business in Eight Weeks: The Second Session of ITMO 3.0 Reload

    About half a year ago, ITMO's student Malika Abdullaeva decided to replace protein cocktails with ice-cream that’s stripped from everything sportsmen avoid while "shredding" - fats, sugar and the like. The idea was suggested by her friend, who worked as a fitness instructor, and with help from ITMO 3.0 Reload, Malika succeeded in bringing the project to the point of actually having the end product. In just several months, her team Pro&Ice has not only perfected the recipe, but also brought it to the minimum viable product stage and even pitched their project in Finland, and is now getting ready to receive their first investment. Yet, there is more to come, believes Konstantin Peresh, ITMO 3.0's coordinator. On March, 29th, ITMO 3.0's second season starts, and several tens more students will get the opportunity to work with the university's technologies, study the market and make their first steps to launching their own businesses. In an interview to ITMO.NEWS, he shared about the project's details.
