Search by tag «Career» 99 results

  • Who Are IT Analysts And Why This Job Is Never Boring

    IT specialists don't just write software for the sake of it, but attempt to solve issues faced by users. With the rapid development of automation and the prospects of digital economy, the demand for specialists able to establish communication between customers and programmers grows. ITMO.NEWS interviews Maria Zvetkova and Ekaterina Ryseva, two analysts from the company Peter-Service , about the skills essential for this work. The company’s specialists also spoke about what determined their career choice and why it’s so important to start working as early as possible.


  • ITMO.Superheroes: Alfa Bank Northwest’s Head of IT on Secrets of Success

    ITMO University’s Careers Center launches a new season of its ITMO.Superheroes project – a series of open lectures with graduates of ITMO University and well-known experts from all areas of knowledge – from science and social work to business and politics. The new season opened with a meeting with Dmitry Sokiryan, head of Alfa Bank’s Northwest IT Unit. There, Mr. Sokiryan spoke about the importance of having a motto, a team, aiming high and not being afraid of difficulties. ITMO.NEWS provides select quotes.


  • ITMO Grad's Journey From Student to Kaspersky Lab Developer

    A high school student from a distant town can enroll at a prestigious university - just by winning an academic competition; and later get a job at a high-profile company - just after an hour and a half phone interview. These were the two major turning points in life of ITMO alum Alexander Dudinsky. He works at Kaspersky Lab now as a Senior Developer at the Testing Department. Dudinsky told ITMO.NEWS how a large IT company works, what skills IT newbies are lacking, and why getting a job at a high-profile company is easier than it seems.


  • Master’s Student: Why IT Specialists Need to Get Involved in Science

    A few years ago, Mekhti Musaev graduated with a Bachelor’s degree and spent several years working in the industry. In that time he worked on both simple backend apps and complex scientific projects. This made him realize that, if he wanted to keep moving forward and maintain a career in IT, the basic knowledge acquired at a Bachelor’s program would not be enough. In an interview with ITMO.NEWS, he talks about the kind of specialist major IT companies are looking for, why programmers need to get into science and the benefits of studying at three different universities.


  • Algorithm Summer School: New ITMO-STC Initiative

    From August 14 to 25, ITMO hosted the first Algorithm summer school on machine learning, organized in collaboration with the STC (Speech Technology Center) IT company. Any technical student, starting with third years', as well as young scientists and specialists could participate in the school; all one had to do is pass the entrance competition. Read more about the new initiative and how such programs can become a start of one's career!


  • Dmitriy Andrianov: We've Lost Our Opportunity To Develop IT-Outsourcing Industry

    Dmitry Andrianov, former ITMO University graduate and now Senior Vice President of Engineering and Senior Software Architect at DataArt in London was once among those who developed, and is now working on big projects in the field of IoT. In an interview with ITMO.NEWS, he spoke about the problems and benefits of higher education, the most interesting engineering tasks he's worked on and the possible risks related to the development of IoT technologies.


  • Training IT Specialists for Global Financial Systems – ITMO’s New Programs and Collaborations

    Starting with the new academic year, ITMO will launch two new Master's programs for the new Institute of Financial Cybertechnologies (ITMO.Fintech) –“Mathematical Support and Software for Global Financial Systems” and “Big Data in Financial Technologies”. The programs’ focus will be on training highly-qualified personnel that can design, develop and maintain the mathematical support and software for global financial systems and stock markets. Not only university lecturers, but representatives from the field's leading companies will participate in the educational process. Among such companies is the Itiviti International Company that develops financial software and innovative solutions for telemarketing systems. The prospects of this collaboration were discussed by Maria Sigova, Fintech's director, and Itiviti's representatives last Friday.


  • Nanotechnologies for Teenagers: How ITMO Promotes Physics

    What are CD's made of? Why are butterfly wings really gray? Why don’t lotus flowers absorb water? Can one write his name nanoscale? And how much space would Tolstoy's "War and Peace" take on a sheet of paper, if written like that? At ITMO University, we know how to explain nanotechnology to children in such a way that they would know that it can be both interesting and promising for one's future career. How science enters real business and why schoolers can be better than engineers at solving particular tasks — read that and more in our article!


  • ITalented: the New Course for IT Students

    To write a great resume, get a job at one's dream company and, upon becoming a team lead, complete a project every two weeks — most graduates spend years on achieving that, and many fail in process. Is there any way to change that? Surely, — believe authors of the ITalented course organized by ITMO's Personal Development Center that will start on April, 7th. During its two months, representatives of St. Petersburg's leading companies will explain how to present oneself in a new company and complete projects using "soft skills". Maksim Ivanov, one of the course's organizers, shared on what else the students will learn during the course's seven sessions.
