Search by tag «Robotics» 134 results

  • Small and Smaller: Micro- and Nanoscale Robotics Can Help Doctors and Ecologists

    Huge robotic assistants no longer make a wow effect. The new trend is various technologies that can move atoms as LEGO blocks, grab ants, detect molecules and deliver drugs. ITMO.NEWS has prepared a digest on some new solutions in the field of robotics.


  • Robotex-2016: Robots Race, Swim and Do Sumo!

    The world's biggest contest in robotics — Robotech-2016 — has just ended in Tallinn. Autonomous robots battled each other in sumo, water races, motor runs and other different challenges. The contest brought together more than 2600 developers from universities and companies, including the members of ITMO's MT.lab, who shared their impressions of the contest in an interview to our portal.


  • ITMO Develops a New Modular Platform for Robot Construction

    When building a robot, developers often use many supplementary mechanisms, sensors, indicators and other equipment. Resulting systems are often cumbersome and unreliable. A team from the Department of Monitoring and Information Security Risks' Forecasting has developed a multipurpose modular platform for constructing piloted or autonomous robots with different features, mass or dimensions. The platform can be easily adapted to particular design specifications; what is more, it was based on Russian electronic components. An autonomous robot based on this platform got 2nd place at the contest that was part of the All-Russian "New Personnel for Defense Industry Complex" forum.


  • ITMO "Raps the Scrap" at the World Robot Olympiad

    The last round of the World Robot Olympiad has ended in New Delhi; amongst the four teams representing Russia, two were from ITMO University, and both had great results: the team that worked on the Nuclear Waste Taker project got silver in the Senior High group, and the Arctic Cleaner team got fourth among Junior High.
