Search by tag «Main» 2241 results

  • ITMO Highpark: An Emerging Innovation Center in the South of St. Petersburg

    ITMO Highpark is a world-class research and innovation center, currently under construction in the south of St. Petersburg. The facility will house the university’s new campus with dormitories and research centers, as well as a techno valley with a business park, which will produce innovative high-tech solutions. Read on to learn more about the center and its current construction status.


  • ITMO.NEWS Guide to Writing a Blog

    Did you know ITMO.NEWS has a blog section where students share their experiences and passions? We encourage you, too, to share your story – whether it's your account of a study trip, a favorite spot in the city, or simply a bit of professional (or personal) wisdom you wish to share with fellow students and staff of ITMO. If you’re not too sure where to start, here is the collected wisdom of our editorial team to help you along the way. Let’s dive in! 


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #50

    Big numbers – big news! In this jubilee installment of our regular news digest, we’re digging into the top stories at ITMO, be it promising (and unusual) research, profiles of remarkable scientists and developers, or exciting opportunities for those at the very beginning of their path in science and technology.


  • ITMO Scientists Breed High-Protein Fly Larvae for Use as Cattle Feed

    Researchers at ITMO University have suggested a technology for controlled breeding of high-protein black soldier fly larvae that includes specially selected breeding conditions and food waste substrate with a high protein content. Apart from decreasing the amount of organic waste, the new technology will help create an alternative non-plant-based protein source for feeding cattle.


  • Bright Prospects: ITMO Researcher Svetlana Roslyakova on Lighting Engineering, Her Path to Science, and Being a Mom

    Svetlana Roslyakova is a lighting engineer. Having once chosen this career path, she hasn’t ever regretted it: she’s had the chance to work in the industry in Moscow and design lighting for two major chain stores; she also received the KOLBA award for women in science and technology. She continues growing as a professional, now as a mother of two. In this interview, she talks applications of lighting design and combining family life with a blooming career. 


  • Building the Future Together: My Experience at World Youth Festival

    The World Youth Festival is a unique celebration of diversity, culture, and the collective spirit of the global youth community. I had the incredible opportunity to be a part of this grand event held in Sochi. From the rigorous application process to the exciting events that unfolded during the festival, every moment demonstrated the power of youth engagement and international collaboration.


  • Winner of Leaders of Russia Competition Alexey Schekoldin on Lifelong Learning and Sharing Knowledge

    Alexey Schekoldin illustrates the concept of lifelong learning by example: his Bachelor’s degree was in electrical engineering, his Master’s – in management, and his PhD – in technical systems management. Now, he is developing Sferum, a service by VK, constantly learning new things, and has recently won the national competition Leaders of Russia, earning a million-ruble prize. In this interview, he shares how learning helped him launch several major projects, what he believes is the power of networking, and why he still cherishes his experiences at ITMO.


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: March 7-13, 2024

    We can barely believe it ourselves, but it seems spring is in full swing: it’s sunny, it’s warm(-ish), and the days are getting longer. This week, thanks to International Women’s Day, we also get a longer weekend, which brings even more opportunities to enjoy the city’s luscious cultural life. Here’s what to put on your calendar:


  • The Experiment: Facing My Fears

    I asked my colleagues to write a list of potentially scary things I could do – and then tried doing them all in just one day. Did conquering these fears make me fearless? Read on to find out.


  • We’ve Done It Again: ITMO in Top-3 of Potanin Scholarship Contest

    ITMO is once again among the three universities whose students took the most winning spots at the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Contest. Overall, 75 Russian universities took part in the event.
