Search by tag «Main» 2241 results

  • Student Spotlight: Saadiallakh Normatov, Kazakhstan

    22-year-old Saadiallakh Normatov traveled from his home in Kazakhstan to ITMO driven by a passion for his craft – computational chemistry. Now a student in the Infochemistry Master’s program, he shares the origin of his story, his first impressions of ITMO, and some insider’s tips for those wishing to follow in his footsteps and join the Infochemistry Scientific Center.


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: February 8-14, 2024

    Though the temperatures are dropping this week, don’t let your mood follow suit. Instead, keep it up by visiting a plethora of exhibitions, celebrating Lunar New Year, stepping inside legendary works of art, and much more. With such a tight schedule, neither sadness nor boredom will stand a chance!


  • 12th SCAMT Workshop Week: How to Enter Master’s Programs Without Exams and Kickstart Your Academic Career at ITMO

    SCAMT Workshop Week is a research school for students of different fields, who all get the chance to enroll in ITMO Master’s programs without exams and build their research portfolio. In 2023, 17 students entered the university’s programs thanks to the school, and over the years around 100 people from all over Russia made avail of this opportunity. In this article, we share more about the school’s topics, its new and upcoming features, and the projects developed by its participants.


  • How to Be Confident: ITMO Lecturer Shares Her Tips

    We have all been there: sometimes, self-confidence can be difficult to find and foster. However, it is no impossible feat and by incorporating simple habits and practices, you can nurture your confidence step by step. That’s what we talk about in this article with Alena Bondar, who teaches the Communication and Team Building soft skills course at ITMO. Let’s dive in.


  • ITMO Thanks: New Online Platform to Say Thank You to Someone at ITMO

    Thank your lecturers and mentors for their classes and the administrative staff for their timely assistance using the newly launched online platform ITMO Thanks (ИТМО Спасибо). Over 200 messages from staff, students, and graduates have already been published on the website.


  • ITMO Named Top 3 Employer in St. Petersburg

    ITMO University is once again featured in the top of the annual ranking of employers by HeadHunter (a popular Russian job search platform – Ed.). Being the only St. Petersburg university in the ranking, ITMO was named the third-best employer in the city.


  • I Am a Professional: Programming & IT Track Among Contest's Most Popular

    In the first round of the I Am a Professional contest, the track Programming & Information Technologies, organized by ITMO, proved to be one of the most popular options with students. The contest features a total of over 70 tracks in 10 different fields, from computer science to healthcare. 


  • ITMO Fellow Muhammad Ali Abbasi Talks New 2D Nanomaterials for Wastewater Remediation, Discovering St. Petersburg, and Learning Russian

    A native of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Abbasi previously worked in his home country, as well as Germany, but he chose Russia as the place to build his scientific career. Today, he is working at ITMO, developing a new class of 2D nanomaterials for the remediation of industrial and domestic wastewater from emerging organic pollutants (EOCs) – low concentrations of medicines and cosmetic products. However, modern studies indicate the potential toxicity and carcinogenic impact of such pollutants on human and aquatic life. In this interview, he also talks about the commonalities between St. Petersburg and Pakistan, the benefits of learning Russian as an Urdu speaker, and the process of doing research at the intersection of physics and chemistry.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #47

    Following the 2023 recap, we’re back with our regular overview of the latest reports, interviews, and explainers from the world of science – both at ITMO and beyond.


  • New Lab at ITMO: Using AI to Build Molecular Machines for Therapy and Diagnostics

    Generative Design of Enzymes and Aptamers – that is the name of a new laboratory just opened at ITMO, where researchers will develop AI-based tools for creating molecular machines. These are nanodevices that can catalyze chemical reactions, selectively bind molecules, and even act as biochips. The results of such research can help develop personalized treatments and POC  (point-of-care) systems – mobile devices for medical diagnostics.
