Search by tag «Main» 2235 results

  • Research Associates Migraine with Hypertension

    St. Petersburg's scientists learned that that though arterial hypertension and migraines manifest themselves differently, they may have a similar origin. The researchers discovered that patients who have migraines have twice more relatives with cardiovascular problems than healthy people.  Yet, patients with migraines and normal blood pressure and patients with migraines and hypertension react to autonomic regulation of circulation tests differently.  According to the scientists, by studying the links between these diseases, one will be able to better understand mechanisms of their development and causes of frequent cardiovascular complications in migraine patients. The article was published in the Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical.


  • Why 404 and How to Fix Bad Gateway?

    It is a well-known disappointment when you are surfing the internet or doing some digital routine, and suddenly an ordinary click leads you to a terrific page titled with strange numbers like 404, 502 or 503. ITMO.News  decided to help you understand what it means. 


  • ITMO Fellowship Stories: 'Crystal Is the Heart of Lasers'

    Pavel Loiko came to ITMO to participate in ITMO Fellowship Program. In this interview he shares the details of a project he is working on together with Russian colleagues and talks about the importance of cross disciplinary studies. 


  • Beloved City, United We Stand

    St. Petersburg is a city with a unique spirit. It is no stranger to adversity, and relies on the humanity and respect of its citizens to overcome any obstacle.


  • St. Petersburg Tragedy


  • Cameras On A Chip And Holographic Displays: How Dielectric Nanophotonics Changes Our Future

    Tunable flat optics which can help create ultra-thin lenses with variable focal length and even create a camera on a chip, or smartphone displays that do not show 2D images, but 3D holograms - these are not some concepts from a recent sci-fi movie, but real projects that can soon be completed thanks to development of dielectric nanophotonics. Nowadays, research on this subject is conducted in many of the world's leading universities and science centers, and in March 2017, Arseniy Kuznetsov from the A-STAR's Data Storage Institute (DSI) in Singapore got the prestigious THE IET AF Harvey Prize for research on dielectric nanoantennas and their application in development of new high-technology devices. Since 2011, ITMO University also works on research in this field in collaboration with Mr. Kuznetsov. Read about what opportunities this research offers and how sci-fi translates into reality in our article.


  • ITMO Conducts Research for Alexander Park Renovation

    New pedestrian areas, parkings and a pedestrian bridge to the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps are just some of the changes that will happen to the Alexander Park which is soon to be redeveloped. Last week, the project’s contest was announced by the St. Petersburg Committee for Architecture and Urban Development; its final results are to be presented by the end of May 2017. Apart from representatives of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Landmarks, the Petrogradskiy District Administration and the "Beautiful St. Petersburg" movement, specialists from ITMO University are also part of the contest's jury - they are contributing to the contest by having completed preliminary research and recommendations to the contest's participants.


  • ITMO University Becomes the Co-Founder of CINPET Innovation Center

    On March 27, ITMO became one of the co-founders of the new Center for Innovative Research, Development and Production Technologies, CINPET. The new center will focus on solving problems that have to do with the city economy, including those related to energy. Students of its partner universities will get the opportunity to offer their projects for optimizing the center's work.


  • “Physics: the Game of Light” - ITMO University and Newtonew Launch a New Online Game for School Students

    ITMO and the Newtonew educational portal launch a new online game "Physics: the Game of Light", which is aimed at attracting talented and motivated applicants to study at the university. The participants will get the opportunity to check their grasp of physics, as well as earn up to 10 points that would be added to their Unified State Examination score.


  • Brandbook 2.0: ITMO Style

    ​Russia's leading university in IT and Photonics continues to develop its corporate style, as well as a system of sub-brands. The recent changes were reflected in the renewed brandbook that was published on ITMO's official portal.
